Arizona Statewide
Compares Grade Outcomes for Dual Enrollment Students

Purpose: Comparison of students that took a high school dual enrollment course in a given discipline, then go on to take a 100 or 200-level course at the university in the same discipline--how does their grade performance compare to the university student body at large?
Dual Enrollment Cohort Year: 2019-20
Former Dual Enrollment Cohort - Art Grades

Total AZCC Art High School Dual Enrollments for 2019-20: 539

University Enrollments in Art 100 or 200-Level Courses (DE Cohort Only): 46

In 2019-20, there were 539 enrollments in a Art high school dual enrollment course for Arizona Statewide. Those students were tracked in the ASSIST data warehouse, and some went on to take a 100 or 200-level Art course at ASU, NAU or UA, resulting in 46 enrollments. This chart represents the grades awarded to the students in a university Art course, who first took Art as a dual enrollment course in high school.
University - All Students - Art Grades

University Enrollments in Art 100 or 200-Level Courses (All Students): 23,829

After 2019-20, there were 23,829 enrollments in a 100 or 200-level Art course at ASU, NAU or UA which resulted in a letter grade or withdrawl. This chart represents the grades awarded to students at the Arizona public universities in 100 or 200-level Art courses after 2019-20. Grade Codes excluded from this report include: AU, I, IP, NA, NR, P

A catalog of course prefixes used at each institution can be found here.
ASSIST Data Warehouse, June 2022