Course Equivalency Guide (CEG)

Standard Search

The Standard Search shows how Arizona community college courses transfer to ASU, NAU, and UArizona. The CEG was last updated on 2025-02-11 23:40:52.

Browse By College
View all the courses offered at your community college and their university equivalents.


Advanced Search

The CEG Advanced Search offers expanded search criteria including past years, Elective or Better, University General Studies requirements as well as filters for AGEC, Dual Enrollment, and SUN courses.


Community College CEG

The Community College CEG displays the equivalencies from one community college to another that have been reverse engineered from the university-to-community college transfer data or Maricopa's Transfer Evaluation System.


Reverse CEG

The Reverse CEG shows community college equivalents to university courses. You can also browse by the prefixes from ASU, NAU or UArizona.


CEG Reports and Information

For more help with the CEG and transfer, view guides, tips, FAQs, and reports.