Anthropology Major Guide 2024-2025

Yavapai College

Anthropology is the study of the past, present, and future of the human species and its closest non-human relatives. Anthropology majors study and explore problems using theories and methods from a diverse set of disciplines including biology, archaeology, linguistics, sociology, economics, and global health. Laboratory and field-based courses give anthropology majors hands-on learning experiences that teach the skills of a working anthropologist. From ancient civilizations to language to the continued evolution of humankind, anthropology is a degree that explores all the factors that make humans unique.

    Associate's Degree
    An associate's degree is comprised of 60-64 community college credits. Below is information specific to your major.


  AGEC Requirement
The Arizona General Education Curriulum block for this major is the AGEC-A.

Learn more about AGEC

AGEC-A Course List
  Yavapai College Courses
The courses listed below are recommended if you plan to transfer to a university and study Anthropology.
Human Origins & Biological AnthropologyANT 101*
Intro Cultural & Social AnthANT 102****
Intro to PrehistoryANT 104*****
Principles of ArchaeologyANT 230***

* ASU - Is not a direct equivalent at ASU. Students will have to take the required university course upon transfer.
*** Courses fulfill ASB 330, but do not count towards upper division hours at ASU.
**** Is not a direct equivalent to UA's ANTH 150B. However is equivalent to ANTH Departmental Elective, Tier 1 & 2 Individuals & Societies (IS).
***** Is not a direct equivalent to UA ANTH 160A. However, is equivalent to ANTH Departmental Elective, T1 Trads & Cultures/ T2 Hum (TH).

Bachelor's Degrees & Majors

  Bachelor's Degree for Anthropology
Arizona State University - TempeBAAnthropology
4th Semester Proficiency
Arizona State University - TempeBSAnthropology
Northern Arizona UniversityBAAnthropology
4th semester proficiency
University of ArizonaBAAnthropology
4th Semester Proficiency
University of ArizonaBSAnthropology: Archaeological Sciences Emphasis
2 Semesters
University of ArizonaBSAnthropology: Human Biology Emphasis
2 Semesters

  Get help from an Academic Advisor
Be sure to meet with an Academic Advisor from Yavapai College!