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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation Not Found
Major: 6237N
Effective Term: 2017 Spring   

Award: AC  
Total Credits: 12-18
CIP Code: 16.0199

Instructional Council: Languages (29)
GPA: 2.00
SOC Code: 19-3099

Description: The Academic Certificate (AC) in Language Studies is designed to provide students with a foundation in the study of culture, language, and linguistic structures. Students will have the opportunity to develop oral and written communication skills in a language other than English.

Suggested Course Plan Sequenced by Semester: GC, MC, RS

Required Courses
SLC201 Introduction to Linguistics 3
Students must choose 3-5 credits in 202 or higher-level coursework in the language used to satisfy the program prerequisites.
Credits: 6-8

Program Competencies
1. Examine the nature, diversity and variation of language. (SLC201)
2. Describe linguistic concepts and the process of language acquisition. (SLC201)
3. Demonstrate communication skills in selected foreign language courses. (Any Foreign Language Courses with prefixes ARB, CHI, FRE, GER, GRK, HBR, HEB, ITA, JPN, LAT, NAV, PIM, POR, RUS, SLG, SPA)
+ indicates course has prerequisites and/or corequisites.
++ indicates that any suffixed course may be selected.
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: June 28 , 2011

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.
