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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation Not Found
Major: 5135
Effective Term: 2013 Fall   

Award: CCL  
Total Credits: 24-33
CIP Code: 45.0701

Instructional Council: Geography (30)
GPA: 2.00
SOC Code:

Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Applications in Geospatial Technologies program provides a solid foundation in Geographic Information Systems concepts, not simply GIS software. This program equips students with fundamental GIS abilities that can be applied in a variety of environments where spatial data analysis is required.

Consumer Program Costs and Career Information

Required Courses
+GPH219 Introduction to GIS Using ArcGIS 3
+GPH220 Intermediate GIS Using ArcGIS 3

GPH230 Spatial Database I (3) OR
+CIS276DB SQL Server Database (3) 3

GPH270 Introduction to Cartography and Geospatial Technologies 3

GPH111 Introduction to Physical Geography (4) OR
+GPH273 Advanced GIS Using ArcGIS (3) OR
+GCU/GPH298++ Special Projects (any suffixed course) (1-3) 1-4


Students must select one of three (3) tracks.
Track I: User/ Analyst: Credits: 12
CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3
CIS117DM Microsoft Access: Database Management 3

+CIS159 Visual Basic Programming I (3) OR
DFT110 Technical Drafting I (3) 3

+GPH235 Internet Mapping Using ArcIMS (3) OR
GPH275 Introduction to Remote Sensing (3) 3

Track II: Developer: Credits: 11
+CSC110AB Introduction to Computer Science (Java) 4
CSC181AB Applied Problem Solving with Visual Basic 4

+GPH273 Advanced GIS Using ArcGIS (3) OR
GPH275 Introduction to Remote Sensing(3) 3

Track III: Transfer Emphasis: Credits: 17
+CSC110AB Introduction to Computer Science (Java) 4
CSC181AB Applied Problem Solving with Visual Basic 4
+CSC200AB Principles of Computer Science (Java) 4
+MAT220 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I 5
Credits: 24-33

Program Competencies
1. Use desktop Geographic Information Systems technology using ArcView software. (GPH219)
2. Identify the technology of geographic information systems, including system components, database concepts, applications, and implementation. (GPH220)
3. Identify and model spatial data within a relational database management system. (GPH230)
4. Analyze and evaluate the data design, implementation, evaluation, maintenance and management of data bases. (CIS276DB)
5. Interpret various types of maps and map projections. (GPH270)
6. Trace the history of mapping. (GPH270)
7. Describe other geographic technologies, including remote sensing, Global Positioning System, Geographic Information System, and statistical analysis. (GPH270)
8. Describe spatial and functional relationships among climates, landforms, soils, water, and plants. (GPH111)
9. Demonstrate advanced techniques in Geographic Information Systems using ArcView, including 3-D Analyst, Network Analyst, Spatial Analyst, and Avenue Programming. (GPH273)
10. Contribute to independent research related to uses of Geographic Information Systems. (GPH298++)
11. Explain computer information systems, computer concepts, microcomputer applications, and programming techniques. (CIS105)
12. Use the basic elements and components of the Microsoft Access program, and analyze common database management problems related to the program. (CIS117DM)
13. Write, debug, document, and run programs to solve a variety of business problems using Visual BASIC. (CIS159)
14. Prepare drawings using drafting instrument/equipment such as drafting machine, triangles, scales (English and Metric), templates, bow compass, lettering guide and mechanical pencils. (DFT110)
15. Development of internet map servers using ArcIMS. (GPH235)
16. Explain basic photogrammetric techniques for processing satellite imagery. (GPH275)
17. Explain concepts of problem solving, structured and object-oriented programming in Java, fundamental algorithms and techniques, and computer system concepts. (CSC110AB)
18. Identify and explain social and ethical responsibilities associated with the use of computerized information systems. (CSC110AB)
19. Explain the concepts of systematic definition of problems, solution formulation, and testing. (CIS181AB)
20. Use Visual BASIC programming language to solve problems in mathematics, science, and business. (CSC181AB)
21. Explain fundamental concepts of computer science, including software development, data organization, machine architecture, algorithmic machines, and ethics in computing and perform programming in Java. (CSC200AB)
22. Perform the operation of differentiation and integration on functions of one variable. (MAT220)
+ indicates course has prerequisites and/or corequisites.
++ indicates that any suffixed course may be selected.
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: May 21, 2013

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.
