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BIO 205 Microbiology
Credit Hours:  4
Effective Term: Fall 2015
SUN#:  BIO 2205
AGEC: Physical and Biological Sciences  
Credit Breakdown: 3 Lectures, 3 Labs
Times for Credit: 1
Grading Option: A/F Only

Description: Structure and function of micro-organisms and the role they play in the environment and human disease, with emphasis on the medical importance of microbes. Laboratory work includes the handling and identification of micro-organisms.

Prerequisites: RDG094 and (BIO156 or BIO181).

Corequisites: None

Recommendations: None

Measurable Student Learning Outcomes
1. (Knowledge Level) Outline the history of microbiology as a science and explain the contributions of various scientists in promoting the advances made in the field of microbiology.
2. (Comprehension Level) Distinguish between the various types of microbes through laboratory exercises.
3. (Comprehension Level) Explain the major differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
4. (Evaluation Level) Evaluate and interpret the various metabolic pathways of prokaryotic cells and relate those pathways to what occurs in eukaryotic cells.
5. (Comprehension Level) Outline and explain the patterns of microbial growth through laboratory exercises.
6. (Comprehension Level) Identify and describe the action of the various methods used to control microbial growth.
7. (Comprehension Level) Identify and explain the principles of microbial genetics.
8. (Knowledge Level) State and describe the concepts of biotechnology and recombinant DNA technology and identify how this technology is being used in various fields of study today.
9. (Comprehension Level) Identify and explain the principles involved in classification of microbes.
10. (Comprehension Level) Identify and explain the diversity of prokaryotic organisms.
11. (Comprehension Level) Explain the basic principles of viruses, viroids and prions as biological entities.
12. (Comprehension Level) Identify and describe the fundamentals of disease and epidemiology and explain the application of these fundamentals to public health.
13. (Analysis Level) Analyze and discuss the various mechanisms by which microbes cause disease.
14. (Analysis Level) Analyze how host immune defenses act against invading microbes.
15. (Analysis Level) Categorize antimicrobial drugs by their mechanisms of action on microbial cells.
16. (Comprehension Level) Identify and explain the role that microbes have in biogeochemical cycles.
17. (Application Level) Apply the foundations of microbiology by demonstrating and explaining a specific set of lab skills.
18. (Application Level) Demonstrate and explain the use of aseptic technique to work with live micro-organisms in a safe and appropriate manner.
Internal/External Standards Accreditation