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GIS 101 Introduction to Geographic Information Technologies
Credit Hours:  3
Effective Term: Fall 2013
AGEC: None
Credit Breakdown: 2 Lectures, 3 Labs
Times for Credit: 1
Grading Option: A/F

Description: Introduction to geospatial technologies, including remote sensing, Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), statistical analysis, map overviews, map projections and cartography.

Prerequisites: None

Corequisites: None

Recommendations: N/A

Measurable Student Learning Outcomes
1. (Knowledge Level) Trace the history of cartography from prehistoric to modern era.
2. (Knowledge Level) Identify and describe the characteristics of the earth, including size, shape and movement.
3. (Comprehension Level) Identify and explain datums, projections and coordinate systems.
4. (Knowledge Level) Identify types of maps and their applications.
5. (Knowledge Level) Identify surveying techniques
6. (Comprehension Level) Explain feature representation through color, symbols and typography.
7. (Knowledge Level) Describe the role of the audience in cartographic design considerations.
8. (Knowledge Level) Identify map elements and properties.
9. (Comprehension Level) Explain the concept of map scale and how it is expressed.
10. (Comprehension Level) Explain how maps are used and misused.
11. (Comprehension Level) Explain the role of the computer in map production.
12. (Knowledge Level) Describe GIS applications.
13. (Comprehension Level) Explain the role of remote sensing applications in GIS.
14. (Knowledge Level) Describe the role of statistics in cartography.
15. (Comprehension Level) Explain the map production process for both analog and digital delivery methods.
16. (Comprehension Level) Explain how to manually create a map.
17. (Comprehension Level) Explain how to digitally create a map.
Internal/External Standards Accreditation
GIS Standards:
URISA (http://www.urisa.org/)

ESRI (http://www.esri.com/) &

GISCI (http://www.gisci.org/)

NCGIA (http://www.ncgia.ucsb.edu/) &

AZ State Cartographer's Office: http://sco.az.gov/

State of AZ GIS Standards (08/19/2010): https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:y9-JjLaA_wIJ:isd.azdoa.gov/forms_docs/911/StateofArizona_GISStandards_AI20090402.doc+GIS+standards+Arizona&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjoeFvJaquEU6QZ-AqQCsQzXVgEmXdN18HMnq9c4bYijGVqVy4ZGBTaQrcRRGXIBbJNalU47t8z-H33DOhdaXu8XZPObh3trNl3qJFSqm9yKlmm5A9JbW9SWFE0GGWYRg2DeykQ&sig=AHIEtbQuZhN4E1c7S0-4EH54C-sstRm35w

USGS Water Resources Maps and GIS Data: http://water.usgs.gov/maps.html

AZ Surveyor's Forge Standards/GPS World: http://www.gpsworld.com/gis/gis-and-mapping/arizona-surveyors-forge-standards-7485