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UPH 124 Upholstery Sewing Techniques
Credit Hours:  6
Effective Term: Fall 2012
AGEC: (None)  
Credit Breakdown: 1 Lecture, 15 Labs
Times for Credit: 1
Grading Option: A/F

Description: The sewing machine and cushion construction.

Prerequisites: None

Corequisites: None

Recommendations: Course required by
Arizona Department of Corrections by contract.

Measurable Student Learning Outcomes
1.(Application Level) Demonstrate the ability to thread a sewing machine.
2.(Comprehension Level) Explain the maintenance and adjustment procedures pertaining to the sewing machine and thread tension, bobbin tension and stitch length.
3.(Application Level) Demonstrate proper sewing procedure.
4.(Application Level) Demonstrate sewing skills on various cushion types, throw pillows, armcovers, headrests, and various skirts that pertain to a piece of furniture.
5.(Application Level) Demonstrate and apply blind stitching skills.
6.(Application Level) Demonstrate the application of single welt, double welt, hide-a-welt, gimp, pli-grip, and tack strip on a piece of furniture.
7.(Application Level) Demonstrate filling a cushion with foam and dacron or springs and cotton felt.
8.(Application Level) Demonstrate the various ways to stuff a cushion by using a cushion stuffing machine, a vacuum cleaner and plastic, or by hand.
9. (Application Level) When assigned a piece of furniture, take measurements for the different parts and transfer the dimensions to a pattern.
10. (Application Level) Complete any necessary repairs and sew the various elements making a piece of furniture comfortable and visually pleasing to the eye.
Internal/External Standards Accreditation