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AJS 275 Criminal Investigations
Credit Hours:  3
Effective Term: Fall 2009
SUN#: None
Credit Breakdown: 3 Lectures
Times for Credit: 1
Grading Option: A/F

Description: Theory of criminal investigation, crime scene procedures, case preparation, interviewing and basic investigative techniques.

Prerequisites: AJS 101 or CARLOTA cohort student

Corequisites: None

Recommendations: None

Measurable Student Learning Outcomes
1. Describe the purpose, nature and methods of police investigation.
2. Discuss the purpose, importance, characteristics and content of various investigative reports.
3. Illustrate the correct procedures for a crime scene search; photograping and sketching.
4. Demonstrate the procedures for identifying, protecting and preserving evidence.
5. Explain the procedures in conducting interrogations.
6. Identify the legal considerations relative to interrogations, admissions, confessions and written statements.
7. Describe the methods for recording interviews and interrogations.
8. Distinguish the role of the informant in obtaining information and the methods for tracing sources of information.
9. Outline the function and methods of surveillance in investigations.
Internal/External Standards Accreditation
1. Using a variety of academic devices, apply the steps necessary for completing a criminal investigation; to include a diagram of a crime scene and describe three to five crime scene search methods.
2. Define the following terms: evidence, chain of custody, witness, informant, victim, interrogation, interview, admission, and confession.