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Major: 3048
Effective Term: 2005 Fall      

Award: AAS
Total Credits: 64
CIP Code: 52.1401

Instructional Council: Business/Management (03)
GPA: 2.00
SOC Code:

Description: The Retail Management degree is designed to prepare individuals working in the retail management, food industry, and related fields, for the mid-level management position challenges of the future. The curriculum encompasses business essentials and also emphasizes the skill sets needed for effective management and communication in the work environment. Instruction will provide the background and knowledge necessary for students to develop the judgment skills they must exercise as business managers.

Required Courses
ACC111 Accounting Principles I 3
+ ACC230 Uses of Accounting Information I 3
+ ACC240 Uses of Accounting Information II 3

BPC110 Computer Usage and Applications (3) OR
CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3

COM110 Interpersonal Communication (3) OR
IND133 Speaking in Business (3) 3

GBS110 Human Relations in Business and Industry (3) OR
MGT251 Human Relations in Business (3) 3

GBS131 Business Calculations (3) OR
+ GBS161 Mathematics of Business (3) 3

GBS205 Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Issues in Business 3
+ GBS233 Business Communication 3

MGT101 Techniques of Supervision (3) OR
MGT229 Management and Leadership I (3) 3

MGT179 Utilizing the Human Resources Department (3) OR
MGT276 Personnel/Human Resources Management (3) 3

MKT268 Merchandising 3
MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3
Credits: 39

Program Competencies
1. Demonstrate the application of fundamental accounting principles and procedures utilizing standard applications and current information technologies. (ACC111)
2. Explain fundamental computer concepts and programming techniques and perform basic operations on the computer. (BPC110 OR CIS105)
3. Identify the principal verbal and nonverbal signals used in employee communication. (COM110 OR IND133)
4. Demonstrate contemporary written communication skills by producing memos, letters, informal and formal reports. (GBS233)
5. Demonstrate skills in leading, negotiating, and working in harmony with others in a business setting. (GBS110 OR MGT251)
6. Solve business problems involving bank reconciliation, percent, fractions, decimals, payroll, interest, present value, and depreciation. (GBS131 OR GBS161)
7. Explain how to find simple interest for loans. (GBS131 OR GBS161)
8. Describe various leadership styles and management techniques and explain their use in contemporary business settings. (MGT101 OR MGT229)
9. Identify current trends and career opportunities within the industry. (MGT179 OR MGT276)
10. Describe basic departmental, merchandising, and advertising operations. (MKT268)
11. Apply marketing principles to the development of a marketing strategy. (MKT271)
12. Practice and apply skills in oral and written communication and teamwork to analyzing and presenting accounting information. (ACC230)
13. Describe the changing business environment and its effects on managerial accounting, including the role of the value chain and the supply chain. (ACC240)
14. Evaluate the legal, ethical, and social implications of business decisions and their impact on various individuals, groups and societies. (GBS205)
+ indicates course has prerequisites and/or corequisites.
++ indicates that any suffixed course may be selected.
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: 6-28-05

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.