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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Carpentry Fundamentals
Course: ABA120

First Term: 2005 Spring
Lecture   1 Credit(s)   1 Period(s)   1 Load  
Subject Type: Occupational
Load Formula: S

Description: Overview of the carpentry trade. Apprenticeship programs and responsibilities of the apprentice. Types and uses of nails, fasteners and adhesives. Types of wood, lumber and manufactured wood products

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Define carpentry and trace the history and nature of the carpentry trade. (I)
2. Explain the benefits and responsibilities of individuals within a formal apprenticeship program. (II)
3. Explain how human relations contribute to productivity. (II)
4. Identify nails, fasteners, and adhesives and describe their specific applications. (III, IV, V)
5. Define specific lumber terms. (VI)
6. Explain how lumber is graded. (VII)
7. Describe specific wood classifications and their uses. (VIII)
8. Explain lumber care on the construction site. (IX)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Overview of the Carpentry Trade
   A. Definition
   B. History
      1. Primitive
      2. Middle ages
      3. Modern
   C. Nature of the trade
      1. Building materials
      2. Structural techniques
      3. Rough carpentry
      4. Finish carpentry
      5. Relation to other trades
      6. Working conditions
      7. Economics
II. Apprenticeship Programs
   A. Definition
   B. Benefits
      1. Effectiveness of learning
      2. Union requirements
      3. Familiarity with range of common carpentry tasks
      4. big picture of whole job
      5. Classroom training
      6. On-the-job training
   C. Responsibilities
      1. Apprentice
      2. Contractor
      3. Apprenticeship committee
   D. Human relations
      1. Working with others
      2. Maintaining relationships
      3. Productivity
      4. Attitudes
      5. Employee/employer relations
      6. Employee responsibilities
      7. Disciplinary actions
III. Nails
   A. Types
      1. Wire
      2. Cut
   B. Parts
      1. Heads
      2. Shanks
      3. Points
   C. Kinds and applications
      1. Common
      2. Box
      3. Finish
      4. Casing
      5. Duplex or scaffold
      6. T-nails
      7. Dry wall
      8. Masonry
      9. Cut
10. Roofing
      11. Other
IV. Fasteners
   A. Staples
      1. Characteristics
      2. Types of points
      3. Applications
   B. Screws
      1. Characteristics
      2. Common types
      3. Applications
   C. Bolts
      1. Characteristics
      2. Common types
      3. Applications
   D. Anchors
      1. Characteristics
      2. Common types
      3. Applications
   E. Powder-actuated fastener tools
V. Adhesives
   A. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
      1. Sheet regulations
      2. Information
      3. Use
   B. Glues
      1. Characteristics
      2. Common types
      3. Applications
   C. Construction adhesives
      1. Characteristics
      2. Common types
      3. Applications
   D. Epoxies
      1. Characteristics
      2. Applications
   E. Mastics
      1. Characteristics
      2. Applications
      3. Safety factors
VI. Lumber Terminology
   A. Burl
   B. Checks
   C. Decay
   D. Edge
   E. Grain
   F. Heart
   G. Holes
   H. Knots
VII. Lumber Grading
   A. Size classifications
      1. Boards
      2. Light framing
      3. Joints and planks
      4. Beams and stringers
      5. Posts and timbers
      6. Additional terms
   B. Manufacturing imperfections
      1. Identification
      2. Classification
   C. Common lumber defects
      1. Kinds of knots
      2. Kinds of warp
   D. Agencies and grade marks
      1. Distinctions
      2. Examples
VIII. Wood Classifications
   A. Hardwood
      1. Tree type
      2. Use
      3. Specific class of tree
   B. Softwood
      1. Tree type
      2. Use
      3. Specific class of tree
   C. Treated wood
      1. Oil-based
      2. Pressure treated
      3. Water-based
   D. Plywood
      1. Manufacturing
      2. Sheet sizes
      3. Grading
      4. Glues
      5. Cores
      6. Faces
      7. Storage
      8. Species
   E. Building
      1. Vegetable fiberboard
      2. Soft board
      3. Hard board
      4. Particle board
      5. Cane boards
      6. Mineral fiberboard
IX. Care of Lumber
   A. Protection from elements
   B. Stacking
      1. Exterior
      2. Interior
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: 10/26/2004

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.