Request to Establish New Articulation Task Force
New Proposed ATF Discipline:
Primary Contact Institution:
Arizona Board of Regents
Arizona State University
Arizona Western College
Central Arizona College
Chandler Gilbert Community College
Cochise College
Coconino Community College
Community College - At Large
Dine College
Eastern Arizona College
Estrella Mountain Community College
Gateway Community College
Glendale Community College
Maricopa Community Colleges
Mesa Community College
Mohave Community College
Northern Arizona University
Northland Pioneer College
Paradise Valley Community College
Phoenix College
Pima Community College
Rio Salado College
Scottsdale Community College
South Mountain Community College
Tohono O'odham College
University Of Arizona
Yavapai College
Primary Contact Name:
Primary Contact Email:
Additional Contacts:
Please list the names and institutions of others you are collaborating with for the development of the new ATF.
Please enter the rationale for developing this new ATF.
Criterion 1:
At least one university must offer a degree associated with the discipline.
Please list each university and its degree(s).
Criterion 2:
Four community college districts must offer courses/programs associated with the university degree. Please select the colleges below associated with this ATF.
Arizona Western College
Central Arizona College
Cochise College
Coconino Community College
Dine College
Eastern Arizona College
Maricopa Community Colleges
Mohave Community College
Northland Pioneer College
Pima Community College
Tohono O'odham Community College
Yavapai College
Criterion 3:
The minimum number of students associated with the discipline - From a one-time measure in the fall semester, the unduplicated headcount of community college students taking courses in the prefixes associated with the discipline must total 120.
Does your ATF meet this Criteria?
Other Information:
Is there other information you would like the AZTransfer Steering Committee to know about your proposed ATF?
Please attach any relevant documents to this proposal for the establishment of your ATF.
Document Name
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