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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Major: 5291
Effective Term: 2016 Fall   

Award: CCL  
Total Credits: 32
CIP Code: 51.0801

Instructional Council: Allied Health (51)
GPA: 2.0
SOC Code: 31-9092.00

Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Medical Assisting program provides education and training for employment in physicians` offices and group medical practices, and other healthcare settings. Medical Assistants perform administrative and clinical duties. Duties may include management and maintenance of the office and treatment areas. Administrative duties include receiving patients and their family members, acting as an informational and educational resource for the patient, handling telephone and written communications, managing patient records, bookkeeping, filing, insurance processing, typing, appointment scheduling, and managing public relations. Clinical duties include preparing the patient for treatment, preparing and sterilizing instruments, maintaining a supply inventory, obtaining specimens for diagnostic evaluation, performing EKGs, and administering medications under the direction of the physician/clinician. Students in the Medical Assisting program will be in contact with potentially infectious blood, tissues, and body fluids. An Associate in Applied Science (AAS) is also available.

Suggested Course Plan Sequenced by Semester

Required Courses
+ MAS125 Professionalism in Healthcare 1
+ MAS126 Administrative Procedures 3
+ MAS127 Insurance, Billing and Coding 3
+ MAS128 Electronic Health Records for Medical Assisting 2
+ MAS129 Automated Computer System for Medical Office Management 2
+ MAS130 Orientation to the Pathophysiology and Psychology of Body Systems 1
+ MAS210 Aseptic Techniques 1
+ MAS220 Laboratory Testing in Patient Care Service Centers 1
+ MAS230 Emergencies in the Medical Office 1.5
+ MAS240 Applied EKG 1
+ MAS260 Clinical Procedures 3
+ MAS265 Administration of Medication 3
+ MAS274 Administrative Medical Assisting Externship 1
+ MAS275 Clinical Medical Assisting Externship 2
+ MAS280 Medical Assisting Program Review 1
+ PLB109 Phlebotomy: Basic Skills 2
+ PLB110 Practicum: Fundamental Phlebotomy Skills .5
SPA117 Health Care Spanish I 3
Credits: 32

Program Competencies
1. Demonstrate professional behaviors and accountability. (MAS125, MAS126, MAS127, MAS128,MAS129, MAS130, MAS210, MAS220, MAS230, MAS240, MAS260, MAS265, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280, PLB109, PLB110)
2. Describe and apply effective communication skills essential for the health care professional. (MAS125, MAS126, MAS127, MAS128, MAS129, MAS210, MAS230, MAS240, MAS260, MAS265, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280, PLB109, PLB110, SPA117)
3. Apply ethical guidelines and legal concepts to administrative and clinical practices. (MAS125, MAS126, MAS127, MAS128, MAS129, MAS220, MAS230, MAS240, MAS260, MAS265, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280, PLB109, PLB110)
4. Identify and apply Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations in the physician office. (MAS125, MAS126, MAS127, MAS128, MAS129, MAS220, MAS230, MAS240, MAS260, MAS265, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280, PLB109, PLB110, SPA117)
5. Perform routine administrative procedures such as filing, mail screening, and scheduling. (MAS125, MAS126, MAS127, MAS128, MAS129, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280, SPA117)
6. Document incidents and complete variance reports as required by law. (MAS126, MAS127, MAS128, MAS220, MAS240, MAS260, MAS265, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280, PLB109, PLB110)
7. Identify and perform in specified financial operations of an office. (MAS126, MAS127, MAS128, MAS129, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280)
8. Pronounce, spell, define and apply the most frequently used medical terms that may be encountered in a health care environment. (MAS126, MAS127, MAS128, MAS130, MAS210, MAS220, MAS230, MAS240, MAS260, MAS265, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280, SPA117
9. Describe the concept and importance of team building in the health care setting. (MAS126, MAS127, MAS129, MAS130, MAS210, MAS220, MAS230, MAS240, MAS260, MAS265, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280, PLB109, PLB110)
10. Employ word parts to define selected medical terms. (MAS126, MAS127, MAS128, MAS129, MAS130, MAS210, MAS220, MAS230, MAS240, MAS260, MAS265, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280, PLB109, PLB110, SPA117)
11. Obtain and record all pertinent medical data as directed. (MAS126, MAS127, MAS128, MAS129, MAS210, MAS220, MAS240, MAS260, MAS265, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280, PLB109, PLB110)
12. Operate and maintain standard equipment in all areas of the medical office. (MAS126, MAS127, MAS128, MAS129, MAS210, MAS220, MAS240, MAS260, MAS265, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280, PLB109, PLB110)
13. Assist clinicians in performing specific clinical procedures. (MAS126, MAS127, MAS129, MAS210, MAS220, MAS240, MAS260, MAS265, MAS274, MAS275, PLB109, PLB110)
14. Demonstrate aseptic technique and standard precautions in all appropriate settings. (MAS126, MAS127, MAS129, MAS210, MAS220, MAS240, MAS260, MAS265, MAS274, MAS275, PLB109, PLB110)
15. Describe workplace delivery systems and the population served. (MAS126, MAS128, MAS260, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280, SPA117)
16. Enter patient data into a computerized system. (MAS127, MAS128, MAS129, MAS274, MAS275)
17. Apply steps in filing an insurance claim using Current Procedural Terminology and International Classifications of Disease codes in accordance with government regulations. (MAS127, MAS128, MAS129, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280)
18. Relate the main structures and functions of the body organs and systems to health care practice. (MAS128, MAS130, MAS280, SPA117)
19. Describe basic anatomy and physiology of the body systems. (MAS128, MAS130, MAS280, SPA117)
20. Apply knowledge of the body systems and their major physiological functions in the care of the patient. (MAS128, MAS230, MAS240, MAS260, MAS265, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280, PLB109, PLB110, SPA117)
21. Demonstrate effective time management skills. (MAS128, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280, PLB110)
22. Apply principles of basic psychology and interpersonal relations as they apply to interactions in health care settings. (MAS130, MAS280)
23. Perform tasks related to communicable disease control in a medical setting. (MAS210, MAS220, MAS240, MAS260, MAS265, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280, PLB109, PLB110)
24. Obtain, process, and test body specimens as directed. (MAS210, MAS220, MAS240, MAS260, MAS274, MAS275, MAS280, PLB109, PLB110)
25. Perform serologic, hematologic, and chemical diagnostic tests. (MAS210, MAS220, MAS275)
26. Obtain, prepare, and mount standard electrocardiograms. (MAS240, MAS274, MAS275)
27. Assess patient`s immunization record and administer vaccines according to state guidelines. (MAS265, MAS275)
28. Apply procedures for infection control, first aid and personal safety. (MAS274, MAS275)
+ indicates course has prerequisites and/or corequisites.
++ indicates that any suffixed course may be selected.
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: March 25, 2014

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.
