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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Major: 5763
Effective Term: 2012 Fall   

Total Credits: 36
CIP Code: 15.0303

Instructional Council: Applied Technology (57)
GPA: 2.00
SOC Code: 17-3023

Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Salt River Project Relay Apprentice is a closed program that is available to SRP employees who are participating in the SRP apprenticeship program. The program supplements the industry-specific training that the apprentices receive at SRP with the theory and fundamentals of electronics that are necessary for success in that program.

Required Courses
ENG101 First-Year Composition (3) OR
ENG107 First-Year Composition for ESL (3) 3

ENG111 Technical and Professional Writing 3
ELE100 Concepts of Electricity and Electronics 3
+ELE101 Beginning Algebra for Technology 3
+ELE105 Algebra-Trigonometry for Technology 5
+ELE111 Circuit Analysis I 4
+ELE112 Circuit Analysis II 4
+ELE121 Solid-State Devices and Circuits I 4
+ELE222 Solid-State Devices and Circuits II 4
+ELE251 Electronic Measurements 3
Credits: 36

1. Organize writing to support a central idea through unity, coherence, and logical development appropriate to a specific writing context. (ENG101)
2. Demonstrate the ability to write descriptions of products or processes. (ENG111)
3. Identify and apply the principles of writing various types of professional reports. (ENG111)
4. Identify common electrical and electronic components and their corresponding schematic symbols. (ELE100)
5. Evaluate expressions containing variables and constants. (ELE101)
6. Define and graph trigonometric functions. (ELE105)
7. Make circuit measurements using the ammeter, voltmeter, ohmmeter, and oscilloscope. (ELE111)
8. Apply the scientific method of inquiry and deduction to the laws, theories and axioms of Alternating Current (AC) and Direct Current (DC) circuits to specific laboratory experiments. (ELE111)
9. Analyze the ideal transformer in terms of voltage, current and impedance. (ELE112)
10. Calculate voltages and currents for series, parallel and series-parallel AC circuits using the concepts of impedance and admittance. (ELE112)
11. Analyze a differential amplifier, computer gain, input impedance and common-mode rejection ratio. (ELE121)
12. Discuss series, shunt and switching voltage regulators, stating the advantages and disadvantages of each. (ELE222)
13. Obtain accurate and meaningful measurements using oscilloscopes and meters. (ELE251)
+ indicates course has prerequisites and/or corequisites.
++ indicates that any suffixed course may be selected.
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: June 26, 2012

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.
