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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Major: 3361
Effective Term: 2021 Fall   

Award: AAS
Total Credits: 64-67
CIP Code: 13.1210

Instructional Council: Early Childhood Education (62),
Family and Consumer Sciences (34)

GPA: 2.00
SOC Code:

Description: The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Early Childhood Development program is designed to meet the needs of individuals who are interested in working in early childhood. The program emphasizes working with multi-linguistic and multi-cultural children. Upon completion students will be equipped to work effectively with children and families in both school and home environments and also initiate upward career movement or improve existing skills.

Required Courses
Students must earn a grade of C or better for all courses within the Required Courses area.

CFS101AH Art Activities for the Young Child 1
CFS101AR Learning with Toys 1
CFS114 Working with Hyperactive Child 1

CFS/ECH176 Child Development 3
CFS194AB Early Childhood Program Management: Human Relations 1

+ CFS242 Curriculum Planning for Diversity (3) OR
EED230 Diversity in Early Childhood Education (3) 3

CFS282 Mainstreaming the Young Child with a Disability 1

+ CFS/ECH284AA Early Childhood Teaching Internship (2) OR
Consult with Program Director prior to enrollment in CFS/ECH284AA
EED261 Early Childhood Preschool Internship (1) 2
EED261 must be repeated to total 2 credits.

+ CFS285AA Family-School Interaction: Preschool 1
+ ECH125 Writing for Early Childhood Professionals 1
ECH238 Computers in Early Childhood 1

+ CFS/ECH269 Child Care Seminar 1
Consult with Program Director prior to enrollment in ECH269

ECH270 Observing Young Children 1
CFS/ECH271 Arranging the Environment 1
ECH272 Science for the Young Child 1
CFS/ECH273 Math for the Young Child 1
CFS/ECH275 Literacy Development and the Young Child 1
+ ECH277 Language and Literacy for the Bilingual Child 1
ECH279 Early Childhood Curriculum Development 1
ECH280 Food Experiences with Young Children 1
ECH281 Movement/Music for the Young Child 1
ECH282 Discipline/Guidance of Child Groups 1
ECH283 Physical Well-Being of the Young Child 1
CFS/ECH287 Professional Development in Early Childhood Education 1
EDU283AA/STO289AA Using Storytelling in Educational Settings 1
Credits: 30

Program Competencies
1. Identify the levels of human development from conception through adolescence with emphasis from birth to 30 months to include physical, cognitive and social/emotional capacities. (CFS/ECH176, ECH270, ECH279, EED276)
2. Examine multilinguistic and multilanguage development from birth through early childhood years to encourage speaking, listening, writing and reading in the home and classroom. (CFS242, ECH275, ECH277, EED230, STO289AA/EDU283AA)
3. Demonstrate an understanding of a broad range of contemporary issues ethics, programs and future trends that impact the child in the larger society. (CFS194AB, CFS269, ECH238, ECH287)
4. Design environments and learning experiences to promote physical health and safety of young children. (ECH283)
5. Identify nutritional needs of young children and develop teaching methods to encourage good food selection. (ECH280)
6. Examine literacy and language development in a multicultural environment to formulate and utilize appropriate classroom applications. (CFS242, ECH277, EED230, STO289AA/EDU283AA)
7. Identify and assess special needs of children, communicate with families, locate resources and develop appropriate activities. (CFS114, CFS282)
8. Create and encourage family school communication and participation with an appreciation of multicultural settings. (CFS242, CFS285AA, ECH277, EED230)
9. Design and implement home and school learning activities for the young bilingual child. (CFS101AR, CFS242, ECH125, ECH277, EED230)
10. Design a learning environment for creative expression through art, language, music, movement and play. (CFS101AH, CFS101AR, ECH281)
11. Demonstrate the ability to work in a child care center with a focus on child development stages. Student will also gain valuable job-related experience. (CFS/ECH176, CFS/ECH284AA, ECH/CFS269, ECH271, ECH272, ECH273, EED261, EED276)
12. Examine discipline guidance methods in groups of children and individually. (ECH282)
+ indicates course has prerequisites and/or corequisites.
++ indicates that any suffixed course may be selected.
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: 4-25-06

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.