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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Climate and Weather
Course: GPH213

First Term: 2016 Fall
Lecture   3 Credit(s)   3 Period(s)   3 Load  
Subject Type: Academic
Load Formula: S - Standard Load

Description: Study of atmospheric phenomena over periods of time measured in months, years or longer. Includes average weather conditions, infrequent and unusual types of weather, and the influence of weather on the cultural and human landscape.

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Define weather and climate and describe the difference between them. (I)
2. Describe factors required for the Earth`s energy balance. (II)
3. Define weather variables: temperature, moisture, pressure, wind. (III-VI)
4. Describe the impact of the oceans on the Earth`s climate. (VII)
5. Describe severe weather phenomena. (VIII)
6. Differentiate between the different scales of weather/climate. (IX)
7. Describe the spatial variation of the world`s climates. (X)
8. List the different methods for determining the Earth`s past climate. (XI)
9. Describe the Earth`s past climate, long-term and short-term. (XII)
10. Examine human and natural processes that influence global temperatures. (XIII)
11. Identify how climate influences humans and society. (XIV, XV)
12. Describe current changes to the Earth`s atmosphere. (XVI)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Basics of Modern Climatology
   A. Atmospheric Variables
   B. Data Acquisition
   C. Atmospheric Composition
   D. Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere
II. The Energy Balance
   A. The Sun
   B. The Atmosphere and Solar Radiation
   C. The Earth`s Energy Budget
III. Atmospheric Temperatures
   A. The Seasons
   B. Daily Temperature
   C. Temperature Lag/Extremes
   D. Vertical Temperature
   E. Temperature Controls
   F. Earth`s Temperature
IV. Moisture in the Atmosphere
   A. Changes of State
   B. Hydrologic Cycle
   C. Measures of Humidity
   D. Evaporation/Transpiration
   E. Condensation
   F. Clouds
   G. Stability
   H. Variations in Precipitation
   I. The Water Balance
V. Motion in the Atmosphere
   A. Atmospheric Pressure
   B. Forces on Air Movement
   C. Geostrophic Winds
   D. Local Winds
VI. Global Circulation of the Atmosphere
   A. The General Circulation
   B. Tropical Circulation
   C. Mid-Latitude Circulation
   D. Polar Circulation
   E. Seasonal Changes in the Global Pattern
VII. Oceans and Interannual Variation in Climate
   A. Ocean Currents
   B. El Ni?o
   C. Southern Oscillation
   D. Climate Impact of El Ni?o Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
   E. Variations in Tropical Monsoons
VIII. Air Mass and Synoptic Climatology
   A. Air Masses
   B. Fronts
   C. Cyclogenesis
   D. Synoptic Climatology
   E. Satellite Climatology
IX. The Nature and Hazard of Atmospheric Extreme Events
   A. Tropical Cyclones/Hurricanes
   B. Thunderstorms
   C. Tornadoes
   D. Floods
   E. Drought
X. Regional Climates
   A. Microclimates
   B. Local and Mesoscale Climates
   C. Classification of World Climates
      1. Tropical
      2. Arid
      3. Mid-Latitude Mild
      4. Mid-Latitude Severe
      5. Polar
      6. Highland
   D. Climate and Vegetation
XI. Paleoclimate Reconstruction
   A. Ice Cores
   B. Ocean Cores
   C. Lake Cores/Pollen Analysis
   D. Dendroclimatology
   E. Evidence from the Historical Period
   F. Modern Historical Data
XII. Natural Causes of Climate Change
   A. Short-Term Changes
      1. Solar Activity
      2. Sunspots
      3. Atmospheric Dust/Volcanism
      4. Land Use Changes
   B. Long-Term Changes
      1. Milankovitch Orbital Theory
      2. Distribution of Continents
      3. North Atlantic Deep Water Circulation/Ocean Currents
      4. Extraterrestrial Impacts
   C. Future Climate Scenarios
XIII. Global Warming
   A. Evidence for Global Warming
   B. Processes Contributing to Global Warming
   C. Evidence against Human Induced Global Warming
   D. Future Changes in the Earth`s Temperature
XIV. Human Response to Climate
   A. The Physiological Response
   B. Biometeorological Indexes
   C. Climate and Health
   D. Climate and Architecture
   E. Urban Climates
XV. Climate, Agriculture, and Industry
   A. Agriculture
   B. Industry
   C. Transportation
   D. Tourism and Commerce
XVI. Global Changes in Atmospheric Chemistry
   A. Atmospheric Pollutants
   B. Acid Rain
   C. Stratospheric Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: April 26, 2016

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.