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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Sociology of Families and Relationships
Course: SOC157

First Term: 2015 Summer
Lecture   3 Credit(s)   3 Period(s)   3 Load  
Subject Type: Academic
Load Formula: S - Standard Load

Description: Systemic analysis of socio-cultural and historical origins of modern families in the U.S. and their importance, major challenges and changing trends. Explores being single, dating and attraction, love, cohabitation and marriage, family planning and parenthood, conflict and crisis within the family, and divorce.

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Apply the sociological theoretical perspectives to marriages, families and relationships (I)
2. Compare the historical and contemporary perspectives concerning marriage, family, gender, singlehood and sexual behavior in American society (I)
3. Identify the diversity of families and relationships (cross-cultural, historical, and current) globally (II)
4. Analyze the strengths of family structures within cultural contexts (I)
5. Describe historical patterns of sexuality, singlehood, marriage choice and relationships (III)
6. Discuss the influence of race, class, sexual orientation and gender on relationships (IV)
7. Critique theories of partner selection (III)
8. Analyze the impact of media and technology on families and relationships (V)
9. Analyze the relationship between gender roles, power and violence in relationships (VI)
10. List factors that transform traditional patterns of work and family roles (VII)
11. Demonstrate how to recognize, confront, and dispel prominent myths about marriage and families (I)
12. Analyze issues of health and health care within modern families (VII)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Socio-Historical Origins and Research Of Marriage and Modern Families
A. Definitions of Marriage and Family Relationships
B. The History of Marriages and Families
C. Theoretical Perspectives of Marriages, Families and Intimate Relationships
D. Functions of Marriage and Family Relationships
E. Slavery and the Black Family
F. The Immigrant family
G. Myths about Marriages, Families and Intimate Relationships
II. Diversity of Marriage and Family Relationships
A. Diversity of Meanings of Intimacy, Dating, Marriage and Family
B. Heterogamous (by race, ethnicity, religion, educational attainment) Marriages, Families and Relationships
C. Diversity of Family Structure
D. Cultural Range of Marital Satisfaction, Communication and Conflict Resolution
III. Evolution of Building Relationships: Dating, Courtship, Intimacy, Cohabitation and Marriage
A. Historical and Cross-Cultural Perspectives of Dating and Partner Selection
B. Dating Patterns and Relationships Among Gays and Lesbians
C. Theories of Partner Selection
D. Cohabitation, Communal Living and Group Marriage
E. Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunctions in Relationships
F. Stages of Marriage
G. Factors Affecting Marital Stability
H. Historical Patterns, Causes and Process of Divorce
I. The Impact of Divorce on Families
J. Remarriage and Remarried Families
K. Characteristics of Later-Life Families
IV. Intersections of Race, Gender, Class and Sexual Orientation
A. The Impact of Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation and Social Class on Dating
B. Dating Patterns Among Racial Groups
C. Theories of Partner Selection
D. Theories of Gender Role Socialization
E. Consequences of Gender and Racial Stereotyping
V. Social Construction of Attraction and Love
A. Historical Perspectives of Love, Sex and Attraction
B. The Social Construction of Love
C. Love and Attraction Across Gender, Sexuality and Race
D. Theories of Love
E. Obstacles to Love and Loving Relationships
F. Modern Romantic Love
VI. Power, Violence and Abuse in Intimate Relationships
A. Historical Context of Family Violence
B. Myths about Abuse and Violence
C. Family Violence and U.S. Culture
D. Physical and Sexual Assault Toward Women and Children
E. Intersections of Race, Gender and Assault
F. Theories of Abuse
G. Criminal Justice Response, Coping and Survival Strategies
VII. Changes in the Structure and Function of Marriages, Families and Intimate Relationships
A. Non-Marital Lifestyles
B. Evolving Work and Family Structures
C. The Economic Well-Being of Families
D. Trends on Parenting Styles
E. Coping with Death and Dying
F. Legal Changes
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: February 24, 2015

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.