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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Intermediate Japanese I
Course: JPN201

First Term: 2014 Fall
Lec + Lab   5 Credit(s)   6 Period(s)   5.7 Load  
Subject Type: Academic
Load Formula: S

Description: Expansion of sentence structures through oral/aural practice. Increased emphasis on reading and writing in Japanese and study of Japanese culture

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Identify and use verbs, including quotations, hearsay, polite extenders, spoken style Japanese, giving and receiving action/service,go/come to pick up a thing/person, nominalizing, OO-forms, and compound verbs. (I)
2. Identify and use prepositions, including clause relationals. (II)
3. Identify and use predicate modifiers, including time sequence, recursive TE-Form, conditional, purposive, and consequential. (III)
4. Identify and use adjectival nouns derived from a noun. (IV)
5. Identify and use family terms for own and other`s family. (IV)
6. Apply variations in speech, including male vs. female and formal vs. informal differences, and honorifics. (V)
7. Use proper vocabulary and expressions when speaking the language. (VI)
8. Identify approximately 140 new kanji chinese characters. (VII)
9. Identify and elaborate on basic aspects of Japanese culture. (VIII)
10. Achieve proficiency goals based on ACTFL guidelines. (IX)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Verbs
   A. Quotation
      1. Formal
      2. Informal
   B. Hearsay
   C. Polite Extender
      1. TE-Form + irrassharu
      2. 0 + V. stem + dsu
   D. Spoken Style Japanese
   E. Giving and Receiving of Action/Service
      1. Give service to
      2. Receive service from
      3. Given service by
   F. Go/Come to pick up a Thing/Person
      1. Thing o TORI ni + iku/irassharu/ukagau
      2. Person o MUKAE ni + iku/irassharu/ukagau
   G. Nominalize a Verb: V. dictionary-form + no
   H. OO-form of Verbs: Plain Form of mashoo
      1. OO-form + suru (try to V)
      2. OO-form + to + quotation verbs
   I. Compound Verbs
      2. Adj. stem/Adj. N + SUGIRU
      3. TE-form + SIMAU and OKU
      4. ---ni + TE-form + HOSHII (N) DESU, MORAITAI (N) DESU, and ITADAKITAI (N) DESU
II. Prepositions
   A. Clause Relationals
      1. A noni B
      2. A node B
      3. A nara B
      4. A hodo B
   B. Other prepositions
III. Modifiers
   A. Predicate Modifiers for Time Sequence
      1. Plain V/Adj + mae ni + sentence
      2. Plain V/Adj + aida ni + sentence
      3. TE-form + kara + sentence
      4. MASU stem + nagara + sentence
      5. TE-form + mo + sentence
   B. Predicate Modifiers with Recursive TE-form
      1. Sequential action
      2. Parallel action
      3. Causal relationship
   C. Predicate Modifier for Conditional
      1. V. BA-form + ii desu
      2. V. TE-form + mo + sentence
   D. Predicate Modifier for Purposive
      1. V. dictionary form + tame ni
      2. V. dictionary form + no ni
   E. Predicate Modifier for Consequential
   F. Adjectival Nouns derived from a Noun
IV. Family Terms
   A. Family terms for own family
   B. Family terms for others` family
V. Variations in Speech
   A. Male vs Female Differences
   B. Formal vs Informal Differences
   C. Honorifics
VI. Vocabulary and Expressions
VII. Chinese Characters
VIII. Basic Aspects of Japanese Culture
IX. Proficiency
   A. Goals
   B. ACTFL Guidelines
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: 6/26/1990

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.