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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Culture in a Globalizing World
Course: ASB102

First Term: 2014 Summer
Lecture   3 Credit(s)   3 Period(s)   3 Load  
Subject Type: Academic
Load Formula:

Description: Principles of cultural and social anthropology, with illustrative materials from a variety of cultures. The nature of culture; social, political, and economic systems; religion, aesthetics and language.

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Define anthropology as a discipline. (I)
2. Define culture. (II)
3. Define and contrast ethnocentrism and cultural relativity. (II)
4. Explain the relationship between cultural areas and natural environment. (III)
5. Define elements of an economic system in relation to societal types. (IV)
6. Define politics and the basic mechanisms of social control. (V)
7. Define the concepts of social organization and its parts. (VI)
8. Explain the relationship of kinship to descent. (VII)
9. Analyze the defining characteristics of marriage. (VIII)
10. Identify gender issues as they relate to culture. (IX)
11. Contrast nonverbal communication and language, and describe the structural components of language. (X)
12. Explain the functions of religion in culture. (XI)
13. Explain the impact of culture on the individual personality. (XII)
14. Describe the relationship of art and culture. (XIII)
15. Explain the ways in which cultural change occurs and the principles of cultural evolution. (XIV)
16. Compare and contrast developed and underdeveloped societies. (XIV)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Definition of Anthropology
   A. The breadth of anthropology
   B. Kinds of anthropology
   C. Methods of anthropological research
   D. History of socioculture anthropology
II. Culture
   A. Definition of culture
   B. Ideology
   C. Cultural differences
   D. Anthropological approaches to explaining culture
III. Environment, Adaptation, and Subsistence
   A. Environment diversity
   B. Biological and cultural adaptation
   C. Subsistence adaptations and the environment
IV. Economics
   A. Definition of economic systems
   B. Production: the control and use of resources
   C. Distribution
   D. Consumption
   E. Social agents of economic control
V. Politics
   A. Types of political orders
   B. Gender and politics
   C. Social control: the imposition of order
   D. The resolution of external conflict
   E. The resolution of internal conflict
VI. Social Organization and Life Cycle
   A. Organizational patterns
   B. Biological traits and social statuses
   C. The life cycle
VII. Kinship and Descent
   A. Kinship
   B. Descent rules
   C. Descent groups
   D. Kinship terminology
   E. Fictive kinship
VIII. Marriage and the Family
   A. Marriage
   B. Marriage choice
   C. Negotiating marriage
   D. Post marital residence
   E. Family
IX. Gender
A. Sex and gender
   B. Diversity in male and female roles
   C. Gender and religion
X. Language and Culture
   A. Human communication
   B. Nonverbal communication
   C. Language
   D. The structure of language
   E. Linguistic relativity
   F. Changes in language
   G. Language families
   H. Language politics
XI. Religion
   A. The definition of religion
   B. Ideology in religion
   C. Ritual in religion
   D. The social organization of religion
   E. Religious change
   F. Why people are religious
XII. Culture and Personality
   A. Culture and personality
   B. Status and role deviance
XIII. Aesthetics and Culture
   A. The relativity of aesthetics
   B. The aesthetic experience and expressive culture
   C. Art forms
   D. The functions of art
XIV. Cultural Evolution and the Contemporary World
   A. The process of change
   B. Cultural evolutionary theory
   C. The vanishing of non-state societies
   D. The effects of industrialization
   E. Peasant cultures
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: February 25, 2014

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.