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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Spanish for Medical Interpretation II
Course: SPA206

First Term: 2009 Spring
Lecture   3 Credit(s)   3 Period(s)   3 Load  
Subject Type: Academic
Load Formula: S

Description: Continuation of Spanish interpretation for medical interpreters. Medical vocabulary relating to human anatomy and physiology emphasized.

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Use Spanish vocabulary to explain basic anatomy and the senses. (I)
2. Describe common medical tests and procedures in Spanish. (I)
3. Use Spanish vocabulary to describe the cardiovascular system. (II)
4. Describe the respiratory system in Spanish. (III)
5. Describe the digestive system in Spanish. (IV)
6. Identify major skeletal features in Spanish. (V)
7. Use Spanish vocabulary to explain the urinary and reproductive systems. (VI, VII)
8. Describe the endocrine system in Spanish. (VIII)
9. Describe how the body`s immune system works in Spanish. (IX)
10. Use Spanish vocabulary to describe the nervous system. (X)
11. Use Spanish vocabulary to describe cancer. (XI)
12. Describe cancer detection procedures and treatments in Spanish. (XI)
13. Demonstrate ability to interpret for a Spanish-speaking patient and English-speaking medical provider using appropriate medical and cultural terms. (I-XI)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Medical Interpreter`s Basic Medical Knowledge
   A. Overview
   B. Vocabulary
   C. Basic Anatomy
   D. Senses
      1. Sight
      2. Hearing
      3. Smell
      4. Taste
      5. Feeling (Touch)
   E. Subspecialties
   F. Common Medical Tests
   G. Common Medical Procedures
   H. First Responders
II. Cardiovascular System
   A. Overview
   B. Vocabulary
   C. Blood
      1. Oxygenated Blood
      2. Deoxygenated Blood
      3. Plasma
      4. Red Blood Cells
      5. White Blood Cells
      6. Platelets
      7. Clot
   D. Diseases
      1. Heart Attack
      2. Stroke
      3. Congestive Heart Failure
      4. Angina Pectoris
      5. Cardiac Arrhythmia
      6. Hypertension
      7. Atherosclerosis
      8. Endocarditis
      9. Myocarditis
      10. Pericarditis
   E. Congenital Heart Defects
III. Respiratory System
   A. Overview
   B. Vocabulary
   C. Oxygen
   D. Lungs
   E. Allergies
   F. Asthma
   G. Pulmonary Conditions
IV. Digestive System
   A. Overview
   B. Vocabulary
   C. Primary Structure
   D. Organs
      1. Liver
      2. Gallbladder
      3. Pancreas
   E. Mouth
      1. Oral Cavity
      2. Names of Teeth
      3. Parts of a Tooth
   F. Food/Nutrition
   G. Illnesses
V. Musculoskeletal System
   A. Overview
   B. Vocabulary
   C. Medical Terms of Bones
      1. Carpals
      2. Clavicle
      3. Cranium
      4. Femur
      5. Fibula
      6. Humerus
      7. Mandible
      8. Maxilla
      9. Patella
      10. Pelvis
      11. Radius
      12. Rib
      13. Sacrum
      14. Scapula
      15. Sternum
      16. Tarsals
      17. Tibia
      18. Ulna
      19. Vertebra
   D. Types of Injuries
   E. Diseases
VI. Urinary Systems
   A. Overview
   B. Vocabulary
   C. Kidneys
   D. Ureters
   E. Bladder
   F. Urethra
   G. Medical Tests
VII. Reproductive System
   A. Overview
   B. Vocabulary
   C. Female
   D. Male
VIII. Endocrine System
   A. Overview
   B. Vocabulary
   C. Thymus
   D. Thyroid
   E. Parathyroid
   F. Glands
      1. Pituitary
      2. Pineal
      3. Adrenal
   G. Pancreas
   H. Ovaries
   I. Testes
IX. Immune System
   A. Overview
   B. Vocabulary
   C. Body`s Own Defense
      1. Lymph Nodes
      2. Tonsils
      3. Adenoids
      4. Spleen
   D. Infectious Diseases
   E. Sepsis
X. Nervous System
   A. Overview
   B. Vocabulary
   C. Craneal Nerves
   D. Epilepsy
   E. Seizures
XI. Cancer
   A. Overview
   B. Vocabulary
   C. Parts of Body Where Cancer Can Occur
   D. Detection
   E. Treatments
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date:  10/28/2008

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.