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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Professional Business Ethics
Course: SBU100

First Term: 2005 Fall
Lecture   3 Credit(s)   3 Period(s)   3 Load  
Subject Type: Occupational
Load Formula: S

Description: Theoretical and practical consideration of past and present ethical issues in business; analyzes the applied ethics of professional and corporate responsibility, government regulation, advertising, the environment, hiring practices, politics and lobbying, product liability, and technology using philosophical and/or religious ethical systems of thought. Encourages critical thinking and value decision making within the perspective of current business contexts and concerns, such as professional organizations, multicultural and global environments, and minority- and women-owned business, in international business and professional communities

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Define and describe examples of different normative ethical theories and various philosophical and/or religious bases for ethics. (I)
2. Define applied professional business ethics and use current and historical examples to examine and analyze business ethical issues and the complexities of making ethical judgments. (I)
3. Describe issues relating to corporate ownership, corporate governance, and responsiveness to corporate stakeholders. (II)
4. Explain how corporate social responsibility encompasses economic, legal, ethical, and voluntary components. (II)
5. Explain views of ethical corporate responsibility in international business communities including the U.S. and third world countries. (II)
6. Describe and analyze the major ethical challenges of operating in a multicultural environment, including the perspective of minority- and women-owned businesses and professional organizations. (II)
7. Describe reasons for community involvement, corporate philanthropy, and community employment responsibilities. (II)
8. Describe and analyze the ethical and other obligations and interests of international business and professional communities in the United States and other countries. (III)
9. Explain cost/benefit analysis in professional business ethical decision-making in international business communities. (III)
10. Describe the influence of government regulations and professional self-regulation and sanctions in ethical business decision-making in the United States and other countries. (III)
11. Review and analyze current and historical multicultural, philosophical, religious, and societal issues related to the application of ethics to specific areas of business and professions, including minority- and women-owned businesses and professional organizations. (IV)
12. Define, describe, and analyze ethical considerations related to major controversial advertising abuses, the environmental responsibility of business, different postures with respect to affirmative action, the purpose and intent of sexual harassment policies, freedom-of-speech and whistle-blowing issues, and employees` right to privacy. (IV)
13. Describe and analyze differences in employment issues as they pertain globally to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, and the physically challenged. (IV)
14. Describe and analyze the evolution and current strategic approaches business uses in political participation. (II, III, IV)
15. Explain ethical issues that contribute to consumer rights related to product quality and safety, including private and public oversight and regulatory groups or agencies. (IV)
16. Describe and analyze unethical uses of technology and how laws and regulations are enacted in response to misuse of technology or professional misconduct, sanctions, and professional self-regulation. (III, IV)
17. Describe concerns surrounding employees` right to privacy. (V)
18. Describe employment issues as they relate to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, and physically challenged. (V)
19. Describe the evolution and current strategic approaches business uses in political participation. (II, III, V)
20. Explain issues that contribute to consumer rights related to product quality and safety, including private and public oversight and regulatory groups or agencies. (V)
21. Describe how technology can be used unethically. (V)
22. Describe how laws and regulations are enacted in response to misuse of technology or professional misconduct; sanctions; professional self-regulation. (IV, V)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Ethics and Ethical Theories
   A. Sources of ethical theories
   B. Definition of professional business ethics
   C. Application of ethical theories to business
   D. Philosophical and/or religious bases for ethics
II. Ethical Corporate Responsibility
   A. Responsibilities to shareholders
   B. Responsibilities to stakeholders
      1. Employees
      2. Communities
         a. Community involvement
         b. Corporate philanthropy
         c. Employment responsibilities
   C. Social responsibility components
      1. In the United States
      2. In other countries
   D. Multicultural challenges
      1. Minority-owned businesses and professional organizations
      2. Women-owned businesses and professional organizations
III. Ethical Issues in International Business Communities
   A. Ethical obligations and interests in business and professions in the United States and other countries.
   B. Ethical decision-making in business and professions in the United States and other countries.
      1. Codes of ethics and conduct
      2. The professional and corporate social audit
      3. Cost/benefit analysis
      4. Government regulation and professional self-regulation
IV. Application of Ethics to Specific Areas of Business and Professions
   A. Cultural, religious, philosophical, and societal issues
   B. Minority- and women-owned businesses and professional organizations
   C. Advertising in the U.S. and other countries
      1. Truth in advertising
      2. Caveat emptor
      3. Creating demand
   D. Environmental responsibility
      1. Corporate responsibilities, rights, and duties
      2. Future generations
      3. Production
      4. Investment for safety
   E. Hiring and promotion
      1. Affirmative action
      2. Preferential hiring
      3. Reverse discrimination
      4. Sexual harassment
   F. Employee Issues
      1. Employee rights
      2. Freedom of speech
      3. Whistle-blowing
      4. Right to privacy
      5. Right to safety
      6. Discrimination
   G. Political participation
      1. Evolution of
      2. Strategies for
   H. Product liability
      1. Quality and safety
      2. Consumer Product Safety Commission
      3. Food and Drug Administration
   I. Technology
      1. Ethical use of technology
      2. Development of laws in response to technology
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date:  12/14/2004

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.