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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Supervisory Training for DOC Employees
Course: PAD116

First Term: 1999 Spring
Lecture   3 Credit(s)   3 Period(s)   3 Load  
Subject Type: Occupational
Load Formula: S

Description: Overview of first line supervisory skills. Includes communication and team building skills. Emphasis on basic supervisory and leadership skills

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Explain the stages of team building. (I)
2. Summarize the keys to effective teamwork. (I)
3. Explain management`s responsibilities. (II)
4. Define professionalism. (III)
5. Explain the process of effective communication. (IV)
6. Summarize the components of the One-Minute Manager. (V)
7. Describe situational leadership. (VI)
8. Summarize the components of performance counseling. (VII)
9. Differentiate between employees with problems and problem employees. (VIII)
10. Explain the 80/20 rule. (VIII)
11. Identify potential warning signs of problem employees. (VIII)
12. Explain the major systems used to manage employees. (IX, X, XI)
13. Summarize the six-step problem solving method. (XII)
14. Explain the value of diversity in the workforce. (XIII)
15. Identify the elements of setting priorities so as to achieve balance in life. (XIV)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Teams
   A. Definition
   B. Stages
   C. Keys to effective teamwork
II. Management Responsibilities
   A. Assign work
   B. Determine Work Conditions
   C. Classify and Specify Jobs
   D. Determine Methods, Standards and Personnel
   E. Appoint, Schedule, Grant Leaves, Promote, and Discipline
   F. Ethics
III. Professionalism
   A. Attitude
   B. Behavior
   C. Performance
IV. Communication
   A. Medium
      1. Writing
      2. Speaking to a group
      3. Speaking Person to Person
   B. Roadblock to Listening
   C. Effective Listening
   D. Feedback
   E. Interpretation of Words
V. One-Minute Manager
   A. Goals
   B. Praise
   C. Reprimand
   D. Apology
VI. Situational Leadership
   A. Define
   B. Components
VII. Performance Counseling
   A. Preparation
   B. Environment
   C. Communication
   D. Attitude
   E. Clarifying Issues
   F. Document
VIII. Employee Problems
   A. Employee Problems vs. Problem Employees
   B. 80/20 Rule
   C. Warning Signs
IX. Performance Appraisal System
   A. Overview
   B. Rating Periods
   C. Planning Process
   D. Administration
      1. Meeting
      2. Signatures
   E. Documents
      1. Types
      2. Distribution
X. Disciplinary System
   A. Effects
   B. Philosophy
   C. Purpose
   D. Laws and Rules
      1. State Statutes
      2. State Standards Conduct
      3. Department Policy
   E. Supervisor`s Responsibility
   F. Causes
   G. Procedures
      1. Investigation
      2. Findings
      3. Notification
      4. Action
   H. Appeal Process
XI. Grievance Process
   A. Policy
   B. Filling a Grievance
   C. Procedures
XII. Six-Step Problem Solving Method
   A. Purpose
   B. Steps
      1. Needs Assessment
      2. Defining the Problem
      3. Generating Solutions
      4. Analyzing Solutions
      5. Action Planning
      6. Evaluating
   C. Collaboration
XIII. Diversity
   A. Definition
   B. Types
   C. Conflict
   D. Values
   E. Supervisor`s Responsibility
XIV. Balance
   A. Setting Priorities
   B. Elements
      1. Physical and Mental Health
      2. Satisfying Relationships
      3. Peace of Mind
      4. Meaningful Activities
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: 10/27/1998

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.