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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Sterile Catheterization Skill
Course: NCE152

First Term: 2010 Spring
Lec + Lab   2 Credit(s)   2 Period(s)   2 Load  
Subject Type: Occupational
Load Formula: S

Description: Overview of scope of practice and task, infection control, personal protective equipment (PPE), sterile techniques, structural anatomy, physiology, procedures, terminology, and documentation process.

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Discuss the legalities covering task performance. (I)
2. Use basic terminology related to the different task steps and documentation. (II)
3. Discuss and list basic urinary anatomy and physiology terminology and abbreviations. (III)
4. Describe the risk factors and potential infections caused by improper catheter. (IV)
5. Describe risk factors that predispose clients to potential infection. (IV)
6. Describe the chain of infection. (V)
7. State the main purpose of and demonstrate hand hygiene. (V)
8. Describe difference between clean technique and sterile technique. (VI)
9. Discuss the need for sterile technique compliance when performing task(s). (VI)
10. Select appropriate PPE for task. (VI)
11. List and select equipment needed to place urinary catheter(s). (VII)
12. Demonstrate standard verification methods for checking sterility of equipment and supplies. (VIII)
13. Open and don gloves, maintaining sterile technique. (VI, IX, X)
14. Set up sterile field. (XI)
15. Insert catheter and obtain sterile urine specimen. (XII)
16. Remove and dispose of contaminated PPE and contaminated equipment and supplies. (XIII)
17. Discuss reporting responsibilities and demonstrate documentation of task. (XIV)
18. Discuss and demonstrate the handling and labeling of samples of urine for testing. (XV)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Legal issues, task policies and procedures
   A. CNA scope of practice (Arizona Board of Nursing)
   B. Policies and procedure requirements
   C. Doctors orders and licensed personnel responsibilities
II. Basic terminology
   A. Procedure names and equipment terms
   B. Physiologic terms
   C. Appropriate documentation and terms, common abbreviation
III. Urinary anatomy and physiology
   A. Kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra, meatus
   B. Filtration, body waste products processed
   C. Water and its role
   D. Common issues
IV. Factors increasing risk for infection
   A. Common medical causes
   B. Predisposing illnesses affecting urinary catheter placement
   C. Medical treatments weakening client¿s immune system
   D. Common medications
V. Chain of infection, breaking cycle
   A. Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) and hand hygiene
      1. CDC Guidelines
   B. Handwashing versus hand sanitizers, pre-sterile gloving
   C. Perineal care
VI. Sterile technique vs. Aseptic technique
   A. Clean gloves vs. sterile gloves
   B. Eye protection
   C. Full PPE utilization
   D. Applying PPE
VII. Choosing and checking appropriate equipment
   A. Sterile supplies
   B. Collection system
   C. Additional specimen containers
VIII. Methods for checking sterilized supplies pre task
   A. Visual exam
   B. Expiration date
   C. Signs of contamination
IX. Opening sterile gloves and supplies
X. Application of sterile gloves without contamination
XI. Sterile field
   A. Techniques for set up
   B. Placement of equipment
XII. Insertion
   A. Verbalizing initial steps before procedure
   B. Client physical positions
   C. Lighting, equipment, and supplies
   D. Draping
   E. Supplies in order of use
   F. Meatus opening
   G. Lubrication
   H. Increasing internal abdominal pressure
   I. Obtaining specimen
XIII. Removal and disposal of contaminated equipment and supplies
   A. Biohazardous procedures and policies
XIV. Reporting and documentation responsibilities
   A. Task completion
   B. Client response
   C. Unusual findings
   D. Measuring and recording output
   E. Documentation
XV. Samples of urine for testing
   A. Common tests
   B. Transporting and labeling
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date:  2/23/2010

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.