Course: MUC197 First Term: 2004 Summer I
Final Term: Current
Final Term: 2018 Summer
Lec + Lab 3 Credit(s) 3 Period(s) 3 Load
Credit(s) Period(s)
Subject Type: OccupationalLoad Formula: S |
MCCCD Official Course Competencies | |||
1. Describe and demonstrate elements of signal flow in a sound reinforcement console. (I)
2. Identify impedance and crossover matching for amplifiers. (II) 3. Demonstrate speaker placement, and identify load impedance. (III) 4. Explain the uses of equalizers and frequencies. (IV) 5. Identify and describe types, directional design, and considerations in the use of microphones, and demonstrate correct microphone positioning. (V) 6. Identify and demonstrate the use of common effect processors. (VI) 7. Identify and describe acoustical properties of sound. (VII) 8. Identify and describe proper electrical connections. (VIII) 9. Demonstrate a sound reinforcement production. (IX) | |||
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements. | |||
MCCCD Official Course Outline | |||
I. Console Signal Flow
A. Microphone B. Line C. Instrument levels II. Amplifiers A. Crossovers B. Impedance matching (Ohm`s Law) III. Speaker Enclosures A. Impedance loads B. Mains C. Side fills D. Monitors and in-ear-monitors E. Cue, headphone, and solo amp F. Cables IV. Equalizers A. Graphic, parametric, and shelving B. Frequencies C. High pass and low cut filters (sweepable) D. Bandwidth E. Feedback (resonating frequencies and exterminators) V. Transducers A. Microphone types 1. Dynamic 2. Condenser 3. Ribbon B. Directional designs 1. Cardioid uni-directional 2. Hyper-cardioid 3. Omni-directional C. Use considerations 1. Impedance 2. Specifications 3. Phasing (3-1) 4. Choice 5. Placement 6. Instruments D. Direct input boxes VI. Effect Processors A. Time based processors 1. Decay 2. Reverberation 3. In line B. Dynamic processors 1. Ratio 2. Threshold 3. Attack 4. Release 5. Range ratio VII. Acoustical Properties of Sound A. Perceptions of direction 1. Direct sound 2. Reflected sound B. Delay of mains and satellites C. Decay D. Reverberation E. Ambiance F. Separation G. Phase H. Loudness levels (Flecher/Munson) 1. Amplitude 2. Thresholds 3. Measurement phon 4. Measurement sone 5. Combination tone 6. Beats I. Masking VIII. Alternating Current A. Generators B. 3-phase power C. Grounding IX. Musical Production Decisions A. Stage plots B. Neatness | |||
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date:
4/27/2004 |