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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Incident Safety Officer
Course: FSC226

First Term: 2006 Spring
Lecture   3 Credit(s)   3 Period(s)   3 Load  
Subject Type: Occupational
Load Formula: S

Description: Comprehensive review of the critical factors that threaten the safety and well being of operating firefighting crews with an emphasis on the role an Incident Safety Officer has in recognizing, minimizing and mitigating threats. Focus on the Principles and types of construction, building dating, Smoke and Fire size-up, unique building types and standard company operations within Incident Management System providing the framework for effective Incident Safety Officer actions and overall impact on fire ground safety. Safety of Fire companies operating on every other type of incident in which a Command Structure is established, focus on the scope of an Incident Safety Officer

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. List several specific functions of the Incident Safety Officer (ISO). (I)
2. Explain how the ISO and the Safety Section will be integrated into the Incident Management System (IMS). (I)
3. Explain what is associated with and how to do a risk assessment of the incident. (I)
4. Identify nine different loads or forces within a building that affect its stability under fire conditions. (II)
5. Identify three forces on buildings that may affect structural stability. (III)
6. Identify the type of load being applied when given a graphic display of various loads within a building. (III)
7. Explain the difference between Code Load and Actual Load. (III)
8. Describe the three types of wall construction. (III)
9. List the characteristics and inherent dangers associated with the different types of roof construction. (III)
10. Describe the five types of building construction and list at least three critical safety factors for each. (IV)
11. Explain why it is so important for ISO`s and Incident commanders to be able to `read` the building correctly. (IV)
12. Describe the tactical benefit of being able to `Date` a building. (V)
13. Describe the four qualities of smoke that will assist ISO`s in predicting negative outcomes. (VI)
14. Describe engine company and ladder company operations (VII, VIII)
15. List several specific challenges unique to High-Rise Operations. (IX)
16. Describe the appropriate dispatch procedure for on-duty Safety Officers. (X)
17. List the Safety Sector`s responsibilities. (X)
18. Describe the three Fire ground zones and the responsibility of the ISO in each. (X)
19. List the responsibilities of the Safety Section. (X)
20. Describe the specific responsibilities of the ISO on Special Hazards and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) responses. (X)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Functions of the Incident Safety Officer
   A. Integration within IMS
   B. Safety Section
   C. Scene safety
   D. Fire suppression activities
   E. Emergency Medical Operations
   F. Hazardous Materials Operations
   G. Special Operations
   H. Accident investigation and review
   I. Post incident analysis
   J. Environmental issues
II. Construction
   A. Terms
   B. Principles of building construction
   C. General construction
   D. Construction overview
   E. Dating buildings
   F. Detailed construction types
      1. Residential
      2. Commercial
      3. High rise
      4. Light weight construction
   G. Special building types
      1. Bank One
      2. American West Arena
      3. Airport
      4. State fair
   H. Large Atrium Buildings
      1. Federal building
      2. Renaissance building
   I. New types of construction future building products
      1. Lightweight metal
      2. Foam
      3. Plastic
      4. Straw
III. Building Construction Overview
   A. Strengths and weaknesses
   B. Risk management & Life safety
   C. Code load and Actual load
   D. Gravity
   E. Fire effects of construction
   F. Water and BTUs (British Thermal Units)
   G. Air and Fire
   H. The three forces
      1. Compression
      2. Tension
      3. Shear
   I. Beams
   J. Beam Loading
   K. Firefighters (Live loads)
   L. Column
   M. Loads
      1. Axial
      2. Eccentric
      3. Torsional
   N. Footings
   O. Wall construction and types
      1. Bearing
      2. Non-bearing
      3. Freestanding
   P. Commercial Wall Construction
   Q. Tilt Slab construction
   R. Non-Combustible steel
   S. Methods of wood frame construction
   T. Roof construction
      1. Commercial
         a. Bowstring
         b. Light-weight wood and metal
      2. Tilt Slab roof
      3. Ledgers
      4. Residential
         a. Solid joist
         b. Light weight wood truss
         c. Wooden I beam
      5. Solid Joist roof/conventional framing
      6. Roof Sheathing
         a. Solid decking
         b. Plywood
         c. OSB (oriented stranded board)
      7. Confined spaces (voids)
      8. Tile roof hazard
IV. Building Construction-5 Standard Types
   A. Proper Identification, Classification and Aging of buildings
   B. Components, firefighter safety concerns, Overhaul safety concerns of each
   C. Fire-Resistive NFPA 220 Type I
   D. Non-combustible NFPA 220 Type II
   E. Ordinary NFPA 220 Type III
   F. Heavy Timber NFPA 220 Type IV
   G. Wood Frame Structural Members Type V
V. Dating Buildings
   A. Construction timeline
   B. Content vs. Structure Fire
   C. Windows tell a story
VI. Reading Smoke
   A. Reconnaissance
   B. Evaluating the environment
   C. Color, volume, pressure and density
   D. Predicting negative outcomes
   E. Video review
VII. Engine Company Operations
   A. Engine Response
   B. Standard Operating Procedures for 1st arriving companies
   C. Operational modes
      1. Nothing showing
      2. Quick attack
      3. Command
   D. Strategy-offensive vs. defensive
   E. On-scene reports
   F. Accountability
   G. Hot Zone
   H. Rescue sector functions
VIII. Ladder Company Operations
   A. Ladder response
   B. Standard Ladder Company responsibilities
      1. Tactical priorities
         a. Standard company operations
         b. Size-up
         c. Apparatus placement
         d. Forcible entry
         e. Rescue activities
         f. Roof sector
         g. Support activities
         h. Ventilation
         i. Secure Utilities
         j. Loss control
         k. Salvage
         l. Overhaul
         m. Ladder Pipe Operations
         n. Construction assessment/evaluation
         o. Extrication
         p. High pressure bags
         q. Elevators
         r. Hydraulic rescue tools
         s. Tree rescue
         t. Two stage bottle jacks
      2. Command Responsibilities
      3. Strategic Priorities
      4. Hot Zone
IX. High-Rise Operations Overview
   A. Access
      1. Falling glass
      2. Building setbacks
      3. Stairwells
   B. Rescue
   C. Fire Control
   D. Resource demands
   E. Evacuation policy
   F. Tactical objectives
   G. Immediate Priorities
   H. Initial attack
      1. Resources
      2. Ascent
      3. Enunciator panel
      4. Stairwells and standpipes
      5. Lobby sector
      6. Equipment/resource floor (sector)
      7. Water supply
      8. Access
      9. Elevators
      10. Extending and Operating hose lines
      11. Ventilation
      12. Floor above
   I. General Safety
   J. Accountability
   K. Summary
X. Safety within Incident Management System
   A. Deployment
      1. Dispatch of on-duty Safety Officers
      2. Arrival and announcement
      3. Initial Actions
   B. Safety Sector Responsibilities
      1. Operations Evaluation
         a. Building integrity and Hazard conditions
         b. Firefighter safety
   C. Fire ground Zones
      1. Hot zone
      2. Warm zone
      3. Marking with Tape (Red, White, Yellow)
   D. On-going Evaluations and Safety Sector Actions
   E. Progress Reports
   F. Building Conditions
   G. Safety Section Responsibilities
      1. Briefing from Senior Advisor
      2. Risk Assessment
      3. Safety Sectors
      4. Accountability
      5. Safety Action Plan
      6. Forecast Outcomes
      7. Overhaul Action Plan
   H. Safety Response to Special Hazards and EMS
      1. Hazardous Materials Operations
      2. Technical Rescue Operations
      3. EMS
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date:  3/28/2006

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.