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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Introduction Fire Service Ethics
Course: FSC119

First Term: 2000 Spring
Lecture   3 Credit(s)   3 Period(s)   3 Load  
Subject Type: Occupational
Load Formula: S

Description: Ethical issues, standards, and philosophical consideration of moral problems encountered in fire service. Ethical responsibility of fire service personnel and those they serve

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Define and give examples of three societies that influenced the development of ethics. (I)
2. Explain how values and moral beliefs are formulated. (II)
3. Define terms relating to ethics. (III)
4. Explain the fire department`s ethical and moral responsibility in serving the public. (IV)
5. Describe ethical situations and conflicts in values that may arise in fire service, and suggest possible resolutions and methods for coping. (V, VI)
6. Describe ethical situations related to testing, hiring, and promoting fire service personnel. (VII)
7. Explain organizational values and their role in establishing and maintaining an ethical organization. (VIII)
8. Describe the consequences of unethical behavior in fire service. (V, VI, VII, VIII)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Historical Background
   A. Greek
   B. Roman
   C. Christian
II. Formulation of Values and Moral Beliefs
   A. Family
   B. Religious
   C. Schools
   D. The media
   E. Admired people
   F. Peers
   G. Employer
   H. Law
   I. Social customs
III. Terms Relating to Ethics
   A. Ethics
   B. Integrity
   C. Values
   D. Morality
   E. Truth
   F. Honesty
IV. Fire Service Ethical and Moral Obligations to the Public
   A. Accountability to the public
   B. Safety and security of the public and firefighters
   C. Policy, standards, and rules
   D. Company officer responsibilities
      1. Conflicts of interest
      2. Conflicts of obligation
      3. Duty to act
      4. Safety of crew members
      5. Discipline
      6. Performance evaluations
      7. Ethical role model
   E. Chief officer responsibilities
      1. Conflicts of interest
      2. Conflicts of obligation
      3. Fiscal and budgetary
      4. Health and wellness of members
      5. Discipline
      6. Ethical role model
   F. Confidentiality
   G. Rights of those who are served
      1. Safety of the public
      2. Safety of personnel
   H. Environmental responsibility
V. Value Conflict and Ethical Situations
   A. Conflict in values
      1. Personal
      2. Coworkers
      3. Supervisor/manager
      4. Public
      5. Organization
   B. Ethical situations
      1. Station life
         a. Discounted services for fire personnel
         b. Personal use of equipment
         c. Personal use of supplies
         d. Computer Internet access
         e. Hostile environment
         f. Proper use of leave/overtime
      2. Fire department responses
         a. Emergency medical
         b. Fire
         c. Hazardous materials
         d. Technical rescue
         e. Non-emergency
VI. Resolutions
   A. Awareness
   B. Responsibility
   C. Law
   D. Precedence
   E. Alternatives
   F. Policy/rules
   G. Greatest good for greatest number
   H. Employee and public rights
VII. Testing, Hiring, and Promoting Fire Service Personnel
   A. Affirmative Action
   B. Preferential hiring
   C. Discrimination
   D. Reverse discrimination
   E. Sexual harassment
   F. Written and practical tests
   G. Oral interviews
VIII. Establishing and Maintaining an Ethical Organization
   A. Code of ethic
      1. Creation of organizational code of ethics
      2. Consistency with rules/policies/actions
   B. Mission and values of the organization
      1. Creation of organization`s mission and values
      2. Importance
      3. Periodic reviewing of mission and values
      4. Consistency with rules/policies/actions
   C. Organizational culture
   D. Ethical leadership of organization
   E. Consequences of unethical behavior
      1. Organizational perception
      2. Public perception
      3. Membership perception
      4. Negative impact and punishment
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date:  12/14/1999

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.