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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Teaching Patterns, Algebra and Functions Grades K-8
Course: EPD252

First Term: 2011 Fall
Lecture   6 Credit(s)   6 Period(s)   6 Load  
Subject Type: Occupational
Load Formula: S

Description: Focus on knowledge and skills for patterns, algebra and functions grades K-8. Covers learning environments, teaching resources, and use of technology in the presentation of algebraic notation, properties, relations and functions, equations and inequalities. Emphasis on State Academic Math and Common Core Standards. Includes practical application of teaching strategies for elementary students as well as teachers of mathematics.

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Identify current State Academic Math Standards for grades K-8. (I)
2. Summarize characteristics of learners. (II)
3. Use various classroom management techniques. (III)
4. Assess various mathematics teaching resources currently available. (IV)
5. Use various teaching strategies. (V)
6. Examine and identify patterns. (VI)
7. Design a specific grade level curriculum map for integrated pattern. (VI)
8. Describe and model functions and their relationships. (VI)
9. Design a 6-8 grade level curriculum map for functions. (VI)
10. Apply mathematical properties within algebraic expressions and equations. (VI)
11. Design a specific grade level curriculum map for algebra. (VI)
12. Use various teaching resources to teach factoring to 6-8 grade students. (IV-VI)
13. Use various teaching resources to teach polynomial expressions to 6-8 grade students. (IV-VI)
14. Use various teaching resources to teach strategies for solving equations and inequalities. (IV-VI)
15. Use functions to model real-world relationships to 6-8 grade students. (IV-VI)
16. Describe how incorporating technology to teach mathematics can enhance student learning. (VII)
17. Establish a learning environment for mathematics activities. (VIII)
18. Evaluate various assessment methods. (IX)
19. Demonstrate use of assessment instruments for mathematics. (IX)
20. Create a specific grade appropriate mathematical properties lesson plan. (X)
21. Create a specific grade appropriate linear equations lesson plan. (X)
22. Create a specific grade appropriate lesson plan covering variables. (X)
23. Teach a 6-8 grade factoring lesson. (X)
24. Teach a specific grade appropriate functions lesson. (X)
25. Evaluate the classroom practicum experience. (XI)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. State Board of Education
   A. Academic Math Standards
   B. Common Core Standards
II. Characteristics of Learners
   A. Learning Styles
   B. Past Experiences
   C. Backgrounds
   D. Prior Knowledge
   E. Cultural Differences
III. Classroom Management
   A. Styles
   B. Techniques
   C. Positive Learning Environment
   D. Culturally Responsive
IV. Resources
   A. Textbooks
   B. Internet/Computers/Software
   C. Professional Literature
   D. Other
V. Teaching Strategies
   A. Match to Subject Matter
   B. Concepts and Generalizations
   C. Math Skills
   D. Developmental Levels
   E. Diverse Needs
   F. Asking Questions
   G. Encourage Critical Thinking
VI. Mathematics Curriculum
   A. Patterns and Sequences
      1. Types
      2. Rules
      3. Predictions
   B. Algebraic Notation
      1. Variable
      2. Constants
      3. Order of Operations
   C. Properties
      1. Commutative
      2. Associative
      3. Distributive
      4. Identity Elements
      5. Inverse Elements
      6. Zero Property
      7. Equality Properties
      8. Density Property
   D. Expressions
      1. Fundamental Property of Rational Expressions
      2. Multiplication and Division of Rational Expressions
      3. Least Common Denominator
      4. Addition and Subtraction of Rational Expressions
      5. Complex Fractions
      6. Applications of Rational Expressions
   E. Relations
      1. Types
      2. Representations
   F. Types of Functions and Graphs
      1. Dependent/Independent Variables
      2. Discrete/Continuous Functions
      3. Linear Functions
      4. Absolute Value
      5. Quadratic Functions
      6. Greatest Integer
      7. Inverse Functions
      8. Periodic Functions
   G. Operations on Linear Equations and Functions
      1. Simplifying Expressions and Solving Equations
      2. Solving Systems of Linear Equations
      3. Formulas
      4. Rate of Change
      5. Ratio/Proportion
      6. Applications of Percent
   H. Non-Linear Equations and Functions
      1. Rational Equations
      2. Solving Quadratic Equations
   I. Inequalities
      1. On a Number Line
      2. On a Coordinate Plane
VII. Technology
   A. Computers
   B. Software
   C. Internet
   D. Media
   E. Other
VIII. Learning Environment
   A. Classroom
   B. Math Lab Setting
   C. Experiences
IX. Assessments
   A. Purpose
   B. Standards
   C. Methods
X. Lesson Plans
   A. Preparation
   B. Objectives
   C. Teaching Procedures
   D. Learning Activities
   E. Material
   F. Assessments
   G. Remedial Activities
   H. Enrichment Activities
XI. Application
   A. Classroom Observation
   B. Classroom Participation
   C. Reflection
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date:  6/28/2011

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.