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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Guidance, Management and the Environment
Course: EED212

First Term: 2008 Summer I
Lecture   3 Credit(s)   3 Period(s)   3 Load  
Subject Type: Academic
Load Formula: S

Description: Principles for guiding young children in early care and education environments. Exploration of guidance, management, and how the environment impacts the lives of young children. Includes observation of classrooms of children ages birth to age eight

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Describe how developmental characteristics of young children (birth to age eight) influence behavior. (I)
2. Describe how behavior may be affected by the various environments where children birth to age eight spend time. (II)
3. Evaluate varied perspectives regarding how the arrangement of environments can impact issues of child guidance. (II)
4. Identify and explain factors which affect behavior. (II)
5. Describe the degree to which adults may control each behavior factor. (II)
6. Design an indoor environment to meet the daily developmental needs of young children, birth to age eight. (II)
7. Design an outdoor environment to meet the daily developmental needs of young children, birth to age eight. (II)
8. Define social-emotional competence. (III)
9. Demonstrate effective styles of communication with young children, birth to age eight. (IV)
10. Identify personal beliefs and contemporary trends of discipline and guidance. (V)
11. Analyze the impact of family and cultural beliefs, expectations and practices related to discipline and guidance. (VI)
12. Identify the signs and professional responses to neglect and physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. (VII)
13. Identify differences between individual and group management techniques, for young children birth to age eight. (VIII)
14. Describe special individual needs that may influence the behavior of children, birth to age eight. (VIII)
15. Identify significant characteristics of the individual adult/teacher that impact discipline perspectives. (IX)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Introduction
   A. Discipline Defined
   B. Guidance Defined
   C. Developmental Characteristics
   D. Developmental Expectations
II. Environments
   A. Home and Family Spaces
   B. Group and Out of Home Settings
   C. Public Places
   D. Adult/Child Ratios and Group Size
   E. Physical Aspects of Environment
   F. Social Expectations Within the Environment
   G. Organization of Materials, Space and Equipment
      1. Indoor
      2. Outdoor
III. Social-emotional Competence
   A. Self-regulation of Emotions
   B. Temperament
   C. Goodness of Fit
   D. Empathy
   E. Social Skills
   F. Mental Health
IV. Communication
   A. Expression of Emotions
   B. Impact of Culture on Communication
   C. Turn-taking
   D. Sense of Humor
V. Beliefs and Trends
   A. Personal Beliefs
      1. About Children
      2. Role in Shaping Child
   B. Trends
      1. Discipline
      2. Classroom Management
      3. Work With Families
VI. Family and Culture
   A. Beliefs
   B. Practices
   C. Expectations
VII. Abuse and Neglect
   A. Identification
   B. Response and Referral
   C. Professional Responsibility
   D. Legal Liability
VIII. Management Techniques
   A. Individual
   B. Group
   C. Typical Versus Atypical Children
IX. Adult/Teacher Characteristics
   A. Attitudes Toward Structure and Order
   B. Personality and Style of Relating to Others
   C. Reflection on Personal History/Childhood Experiences
   D. Reflection Into Expectations of Children`s behaviors
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date:  6/24/2008

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.