Course: CPD150AC First Term: 1997 Fall
Final Term: Current
Final Term: 2019 Summer
Lecture 1 Credit(s) 1 Period(s) 1 Load
Credit(s) Period(s)
Subject Type: AcademicLoad Formula: S |
MCCCD Official Course Competencies | |||
1. Describe the process of educational and career planning. (I)
2. Describe current occupational trends and outlooks. (II) 3. Utilize career planning resources. (III) 4. Develop an education plan. (IV) 5. Describe the purpose, use, and results of using the computer generated career information system known as the Guidance Information System (GIS). (IV) 6. List sources outside the college available for career information. (IV) 7. Identify career choice elements compatible with internal satisfaction. (V) 8. Identify external determinants affecting career choice and satisfaction. (VI) 9. List the purpose and value of courses required under General Education areas of degree programs as related to career implementation. (VII) 10. State career areas as potential personal career options. (VIII) | |||
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements. | |||
MCCCD Official Course Outline | |||
I. Educational and career planning process
A. Self-assessment B. Assessing options C. Decision-making II. Workplace trends and occupational outlook A. Changes in the workplace B. Growth-oriented industries C. Occupational outlook for specific job titles III. Career planning resources A. Technology B. Printed materials C. People/network IV. Educational plan A. General education guidelines B. Degree programs and requirements C. University transfer guidelines D. Value clarification E. Personal inventory F. Vocational history IV. Occupational Information A. Career center B. Library C. GIS (Guidance Information System) D. Off-campus sources V. Career choice elements A. Self-now and self-future activities B. Lifeline C. Career investigation D. Values clarification E. Myers-Briggs Inventory (MBTI) VI. External determinants A. Career stereotypes B. Media C. Changing career/employment areas VII. General education courses A. Career information B. Personal goal enhancement VIII. Guided imagery A. Development B. Practice C. Assessment | |||
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date:
5/27/1997 |