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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Sovereign Indian Nations
Course: AIS141

First Term: 2003 Spring
Lecture   3 Credit(s)   3 Period(s)   3 Load  
Subject Type: Academic
Load Formula: S

Description: Explores the sovereign status of American Indians as it relates to social relationships, traditions, and culture of American Indians. Reviews historic relations with non-Indian societies, the development of federal Indian law, tribal governments and their functions. Examines treaty rights, environmental issues, public policy, economic development, other current issues, and contemporary social problems

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Review United States/Indian relations during the Colonial era and describe Indian resistance to government policies.(I)
2. Define American Indian sovereignty.(II)
3. Trace the historical and legal development of Indian sovereignty.(II-IV)
4. Explain tribal government and its functions in relation to tribal sovereignty.(IV)
5. Describe the contemporary sovereign status of American Indian Nations in Arizona and nationally.(IV)
6. Identify and describe the social and legal issues related to sovereignty vs. assimilation. (V)
7. Describe the unique legal status of American Indians and explain the impact of this on their relationship with the United States government.(IV- VI)
8. Explain how contemporary economic development, public policy, environmental issues, and the law impact the sovereign status of Indian Nations in Arizona and nationally.(VI)
9. Describe how other current issues and modern Indian resistance impact the sovereign status of Indian Nations in Arizona and nationally.(VI)
10. Identify and describe contemporary social problems related to the Indian family, children, and elderly in urban and reservation environments.(VI)
11. Identify the challenges Indian Nations must confront to maintain their sovereign status. (IV-VI)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. The Colonial Era
   A. Early U.S./Indian Relations
   B. Impact of United States Independence on Indian Nations
   C. Removal Policy
   D. Reservations
   E. Indian Resistance to Removal and Reservation Policies
II. The Development of American Indian Sovereignty
   A. The End of Treaty Making
   B. Allotment
   C. Major Crimes Act
   D. Limitations of Sovereignty
III. Sovereignty and Reorganization
   A. The Indian Reorganization Act
   B. The Indian Claims Commission
IV. Contemporary Sovereign Status
   A. Functions of Tribal Governments
   B. Arizona Indian Nations
   C. Other American Indian Nations
V. Sovereignty or Assimilation
   A. Relocation
   B. Termination
   C. Indian Civil Rights Act
VI. Sovereignty and the Future of Indian/U.S. Relations
   A. Modern Indian Resistance
      1. Militancy
      2. Civil Rights
      3. Pan Indian Movements
      4. Treaty Rights
   B. Current Issues Relating to Indian Nations
      1. Economic Development
      2. Gaming
      3. Treaty Rights
      4. Water Rights
      5. Institutional Racism
      6. Culture
      7. Religion
      8. Other
   C. Contemporary Social Problems in Indian Nations
      1. Problems Related to Families
      2. Problems of Children
      3. Problems of the Elderly
      4. Other
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: 11/25/1997

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.