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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Digital Visualization for Design
Course: INT122

First Term: 2024 Fall
Lec + Lab   3.0 Credit(s)   6.0 Period(s)   6.0 Load  
Subject Type: Occupational
Load Formula: T - Lab Load

Description: Introduction to the utilization of leading interior design industry software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign for digital rendering and the development of interior design drawings and presentations.

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Demonstrate the use of various file types for different purposes. (I -VI)
2. Apply techniques in the modification of imported raster-based documents from outside sources. (II, III)
3. Create two-dimensional renderings of CAD drawings in a raster-based software program. (II, III)
4. Produce renderings using vector based software. (III, IV)
5. Create professional interior design presentations utilizing publishing software, such as Adobe InDesign. (V, VI)
6. Apply problem-solving skills in the development of a digital portfolio for print and web. (VI)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. File types
   A. Raster file (extension) types
      1. Photoshop data (PSD)
      2. BitMap (BMP)
      3. Graphics file Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPG)
      4. Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)
      5. Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
      6. Graphic Interchange Format (GIF)
   B. Vector file (extension) types
      1. Adobe Illustrator (AI)
      2. Encapsulated Postscript (EPS)
      3. AutoCAD Drawing Database (Drawing (DWG)
      4. SketchUp (SKP)
      5. Portable Document Format (PDF)
II. Raster-based rendering tools
   A. Selection tools
   B. Additive rendering tools
   C. Layer organization
III. Vector data transfer to raster data
   A. CAD (vector) file to raster (pixel) file
   B. Maintain the scale of a drawing
   C. Resolution settings
   D. Working file settings
IV. Vector-based rendering tools
   A. Working file settings
   B. Live paint features
   C. Swatch libraries
V. Finishing techniques: Preparing working files
   A. Working files: archival
   B. Files to print
   C. Files to web
VI. Digital portfolio
   A. Setting up templates using Adobe InDesign
      1. File management
      2. Creating master pages
      3. Layout grids
      4. Working with assets and frames
      5. Selection tools
      6. Object, paragraph, and character styles
      7. Document packaging
   B. Standardizing text
   C. Logo development using Vector-based software
   D. File management
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: February 27, 2024

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.