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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Massage Therapy Advanced
Course: BAW121

First Term: 2023 Fall
Lec + Lab   3.5 Credit(s)   7.0 Period(s)   7.0 Load  
Subject Type: Occupational
Load Formula: T- Lab Load

Description: A massage basics course covering: sanitation, hygiene, safety, contraindications, ethics, healthy therapeutic relationships, professional communication, overview of the human body (integumentary, muscular, and skeletal systems), healthcare terminology, muscle theory, client care, self-care, and Swedish massage.

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Define types of contraindications for massage therapy. (I)
2. Show proper sanitation for the industry. (I)
3. Perform multiple 15-minute chair massages. (I)
4. Identify typical massage therapy career avenues and various marketing strategies. (I)
5. Name the benefits of massage. (I, II, VII)
6. Explain what constitutes an effective intake interview, postural analysis, treatment plan and documentation reflected in Subjective Objective Assessment Plan (S.O.A.P.) notes. (I, VI, XIII)
7. Perform one-hour and two-hour Swedish massage. (III)
8. Identify differences between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. (IV)
9. Perform reflexology massage. (V)
10. Define regional, anatomical, positional, human kinetics, and medical terminology relevant to the professional practice of massage therapy. (VII)
11. Recognize the location and the function/action of all movement/postural oriented skeletal muscles. (VII)
12. Recognize all major organs of the body. (VII)
13. Recognize all structural skeletal bones. (VII, VIII)
14. Perform Thai massage techniques. (IX)
15. Define the various types of sports massage. (X)
16. Perform stretching session utilizing proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. (X, XIII)
17. Recognize syndromes and injuries commonly treated with massage therapy. (XI)
18. Explain the differences and similarities of special populations, and their contraindications, considerations, and strategies. (XII)
19. Perform one-hour and two-hour deep-tissue massage. (XIII)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Business and ethics
   A. Chair massage
   B. Benefits of massage
   C. Identify client`s needs
   D. Massage therapy career avenues and various marketing strategies
      1. Therapeutic massage in the wellness/spa environment
      2. Therapeutic massage in the health care environment
      3. Therapeutic massage in the sports and fitness environment
   E. Resume writing
   F. Public speaking
      1. Gratitude exercises
      2. Student teaching
      3. Sales pitch
   G. Plan for entering the workforce
   H. S.O.A.P. notes
   I. Ethics
      1. Ethics, legal issues, professionalism
      2. Client/therapist relationship
   J. Indications and contraindications
      1. General/absolute
      2. Relative
      3. Local/regional
   K. Hygiene, sanitation, and safety
      1. Hands
      2. Laundry
      3. Pathogens
   L. Marketing
   M. Customer service
II. History/theory of massage therapy
   A. Development of massage techniques from ancient times to modern day
   B. History overview of massage
   C. Types of massage
      1. Theories behind different types
         a. Theoretic principles and therapeutic effects
         b. Complementary bodywork systems.
      2. Alternative therapies
         a. Hydrotherapy
         b. Heliotherapy
         c. Hot stones
         d. Cold therapy
         e. Aromatherapy
         f. Lymphatic massage
         g. Connective tissue approaches
   D. Current trends
III. Swedish massage
   A. History of Swedish massage
   B. Theory of Swedish massage
   C. Classic strokes and movements
      1. Gliding strokes (effleurage)
      2. Kneading (petrissage)
      3. Skin rolling
      4. Compression
      5. Oscillation, vibration, shaking, rocking, percussion (tapotement), and friction
      6. Abdominal massage
   D. Practice
   E. Integration with other modalities
IV. Self care
   A. Concepts of wellness and a personal wellness plan as it relates to massage
   B. Body mechanics
   C. Strength training
   D. Parasympathetic state
   E. Mind and body connection and effects on wellness
   F. Personal responsibility
V. Reflexology
   A. History of reflexology
   B. Multiple interpretations of reflexology
      1. Eastern
      2. Western
      3. Structural
      4. Fascial
   C. Principles and concepts of reflexology points on the hands and feet
   D. 60-minute reflexology massage
   E. Deep tissue detail work
   F. Blending East with West
VI. Clinical internship
   A. Service pathways
      1. Greeting
      2. Intake
      3. Customization
      4. Client consent
   B. Quick room changeover
   C. People skills
   D. Special adaptations
      1. Prone massages
      2. Sideline massages
      3. Supine massage
      4. Postural analysis
      5. Treatment plan
      6. Documentation
   E. Followup treatments and home care
   F. Proper body mechanics
   G. Effective sales/education techniques
   H. Building stamina
      1. Two-hour massages
      2. Three and four-hour massages
VII. Anatomy upper body
   A. Regions of the body
   B. Directions
   C. Planes
   D. General body knowledge
      1. Cells
      2. Skin
      3. Bone
      4. Muscle
      5. Tendon
      6. Ligament
      7. Fascia
      8. Arteries and veins
      9. Bursa
      10. Nerves
      11. Lymph nodes
   E. Medical terminology pertaining to musculoskeletal systems
   F. Bones of the upper body
      1. Landmarks
      2. Attachment sites
      3. Joints
   G. Muscles of the upper body
      1. Origins and insertions
      2. Actions
      3. Innervation
      4. Kinesiology
      5. Shoulder and arm
      6. Forearm and hand
      7. Spine and thorax
      8. Head, neck, and face
      9. Structural influences of key muscles
   H. Systems of the body and contraindications
      1. Integumentary
      2. Skeletal
      3. Muscular
      4. Fascial system
      5. Immune
      6. Lymphatic
      7. Nervous
   I. Applicable massage
      1. Swedish
      2. Deep tissue
      3. Fascial
      4. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
   J. Tensegrity and the myofascial system
VIII. Deep tissue
   A. Deep tissue on upper body
      1. Structural/fascial massage
      2. Shoulder and arm
      3. Forearm and hand
      4. Spine and thorax
      5. Head, neck, and face
   B. Deep tissue massage
      1. One-hour sessions
      2. Two-hour sessions
      3. Focused sessions
IX. Eastern approaches
   A. Concepts and philosophies of Eastern medicine and Asian modalities
      1. Acupuncture
      2. Chinese medicine
      3. Shiatsu
      4. Ayurveda
      5. Chakra
      6. Polarity
   B. Thai massage
      1. Philosophy
      2. Techniques
      3. Lab practice
X. Sports massage
   A. Pre-event sports massage
   B. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching
   C. Post event
   D. Inter-event sports massage
   E. Maintenance or training sports massage
XI. Injury and rehabilitation
   A. Common syndromes and injuries
      1. Carpal tunnel syndrome
      2. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome
      3. Golfer`s elbow
      4. Tennis elbow
      5. Shoulder impingement
      6. Plantar fasciitis
      7. Lower back pain
      8. Hip impingement
   B. Treatment creation
      1. Treatment theories
      2. Approaches
      3. Measurement of results
XII. Special populations
   A. Special population considerations
      1. Geriatric
      2. Cancer
      3. Pregnancy
      4. Pediatric
      5. Canine
      6. Equestrian
   B. Sideliner and pregnancy massage
   C. Psychological impairments
      1. Scope of practice
      2. Emotional considerations
XIII. Creating client protocols
   A. Postural analysis
   B. Interview
   C. S.O.A.P. notes
   D. Plan of approach
   E. Review of results
   F. Client homework
   G. Scope of practice
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: February 28, 2023

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.