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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Course: BIO205

First Term: 2020 Fall
Lecture   4.0 Credit(s)   3.0 Period(s)   3.0 Load  
Subject Type: Occupational
Load Formula: T - Lab Load

Description: Study of microorganisms and their relationship to health, ecology, and related fields.

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Identify the significant and critical contributions to microbiology. (I)
2. Use significant and critical contributions to microbiology to illustrate and explain the collaborative nature of science. (I)
3. Identify structural characteristics identifying the major groups of microorganisms. (II)
4. Compare and contrast prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cells. (II)
5. Compare and contrast viruses and cells. (II)
6. Compare and contrast the physiology and biochemistry of the various groups of microorganisms. (II, III, XI)
7. Describe the modes of bacterial and viral reproduction and proliferation. (IV, XI)
8. Describe the replication of genetic information, protein synthesis, and mutation in bacteria and viruses. (V)
9. Compare and contrast microbial methods of genetic recombination including transformation, conjugation, and transduction. (V, VI)
10. Describe techniques and applications of genetic engineering and discuss their ethical implications. (VI)
11. Describe modes of regulation of bacterial gene expression. (VII)
12. Describe and compare the effectiveness of physical and chemical methods of microbial control (VIII, XI)
13. Describe, compare and contrast innate and acquired immune responses. (IX)
14. Describe the roles and actions of phagocytes and lymphocytes in the control of infection. (IX)
15. Describe Immunologic disorders. (IX)
16. Describe the effect of immunization on the primary and secondary immune responses to pathogens. (IX)
17. Describe the symptoms, associated pathogen, transmission, course, treatment and prophylaxis of common infectious diseases. (X)
18. Utilize aseptic technique for safe handling of microbes. (XI)
19. Apply various differential laboratory techniques to identify types of microorganisms. (XI)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Introduction
   A. Definition of microbiology
   B. Significant discoveries if the field of microbiology
   C. Significance of microorganisms in the world around us
II. Diversity of microorganisms that cause disease
   A. Bacteria
   B. Fungi
   C. Protozoa
   D. Multicellular parasites
   E. Viruses
III. Physiology and biochemistry
   A. Atoms and molecules
   B. Bonds and reactions
   C. Organic molecules
   D. Enzymes
   E. Cellular respiration
   F. Fermentation
   G. Catabolism
   H. Anabolism
IV. Reproduction in microbes
   A. Bacterial fission
   B. Viral replication
      1. Lysis
      2. Lysogeny
V. Microbial genetics and gene expression
   A. Bacterial systems
      1. DNA replication
      2. Transcription and translation
      3. Mutation
   B. Viruses
      1. Chromosome replication
      2. Mutation, antigenic drift and shift
VI. Recombinant DNA in bacteria and viruses
   A. Transformation
   B. Conjugation
   C. Transduction
   D. Genetic engineering
      1. Tools
      2. Techniques
      3. Applications
VII. Regulatory mechanisms
   A. Feedback inhibition
   B. Induction
   C. Repression
   D. Catabolic repression
VIII. Control of pathogenic microorganisms
   A. Chemical methods
      1. Disinfection
      2. Antisepsis
      3. Sterilization
   B. Physical methods
      1. Disinfection
      2. Sterilization
   C. Antimicrobial chemotherapeutics
   D. Microbe resistance
IX. Human Immunological responses to microbes and other antigens
   A. Innate nonspecific immune response
      1. Phagocytes
      2. NK cells
      3. Complement
      4. Inflammation
   B. Nature of antigens, self and non-self
   C. Acquired specific immune response
      1. Lymphocytes and clonal selection
      2. T cells
      3. B cells
      4. Antibodies
   D. Immunization
   E. Immunologic disorders
      1. Hypersensitivity
      2. Autoimmune disorders
      3. Immunodeficiency disorders
   F. Applications and special circumstances
      1. Immunotherapy
      2. Transplantation
      3. Cancer
X. Microorganisms and selected infectious diseases
   A. Microbial virulence
   B. Identification of infectious agents
   C. Infections: symptoms, transmission, course and treatment, and prophylaxis
XI. Laboratory techniques
   A. Safe handling of bacteria
   B. Microscopy
      1. Light microscopy
      2. Specimen preparation
      3. Staining techniques
   C. Bacterial culture and growth
      1. Types of media
      2. Aseptic technique
      3. Inoculation of plates and broth culture media
      4. Phases of growth
   D. Identification of microorganisms
      1. Morphological and physical characteristics
      2. Use of Bergey`s Manual or other current references
      3. Diagnostic testing using selective media
      4. Molecular methods
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: May 22, 2018

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.