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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Adobe Photoshop Level II: Advanced Digital Imaging
Course: CIS220DF

First Term: 2019 Spring
Lec + Lab   3.0 Credit(s)   4.0 Period(s)   4.0 Load  
Subject Type: Occupational
Load Formula: T - Lab Load

Description: Goes beyond the basic use of palettes, selections, layers, menus, and tool options, and focuses on using Photoshop software`s advanced features to manipulate and correct digital and digitally produced images.

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Identify and demonstrate advanced design elements when preparing Images for web and print. (I)
2. Apply advanced repairing, retouching and photographic enhancements. (II)
3. Demonstrate sophisticated image compilation and comprehensive use of masks and channels. (III)
4. Apply state of the art filters. (IV)
5. Demonstrate sophisticated methods of layer usage. (IV)
6. Use advanced painting features using the paintbrush and painting filters. (V)
7. Apply advanced type manipulation and typography within the workspace. (VI)
8. Describe uses of third-party plug-ins to enhance images and automate complex tasks. (VII)
9. Employ 3D tools for text and images. (VIII)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Advanced design elements
   A. Color modes
   B. Spot colors
   C. Channel mixing, overlays and duotones
   D. Color adjustments and corrections
   E. Tinting, adjusting curves.
   F. Alpha channels
   G. High dynamic range (HDR)
   H. Filters
   I. Content aware
   J. Healing and patching
   K. Matching print to printer modes
II. Advanced special image effects
   A. Quick tone adjustments
   B. Retouching special effects, and photo repair
   C. Using levels in threshold mode
   D. Sepia tones
   E. Blend modes
   F. Skin healing, softening, and patching
   G. Coloring black and white photos
   H. Focus, balance, and harmony
   I. Content aware move, patch, and fill
III. Advanced blending
   A. Layer and vector masks
   B. Clipping groups
   C. Blending options
   D. Layer sets and layer colors
   E. Merging and flattening
   F. Assembling a still life
   G. Blending a panorama
   H. Collaging
IV. Sophisticated use of filters and image adjustment controls
   A. Sharpening, lighting effects, liquefy
   B. Warping, blending, adjusting
   C. Filtered frames
   D. Composite and fill layers
   E. Layer masking, fill layers, shape layers, rasterizing
   F. Smart layers/objects
V. Advanced brush
   A. Choosing, editing, and creating custom brushes and filling tools
   B. Pencil, airbrush, eraser, smudge, and pattern stamp
   C. Cloning tools
   D. Gradient maps
   E. Short/long depth of field
   F. Portraits/self-portraits
   G. Panning/blurred motion
VI. Sophisticated use of type with layer styles
   A. Tools and blends
   B. Contours, textures, blending
   C. Clipping, grouping, and masking
VII. Overview of cross application
   A. Uses and open architecture of Photoshop
   B. Description of aftermarket software
VIII. Working with 3D images
   A. Create, edit, delete, and manipulate
   B. Creating a 3D shape from a layer
   C. Manipulating 3D objects
   D. Adding 3D objects
   E. Positioning
   F. Materials and lighting
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: November 20, 2018

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.