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Course: BIO160 First Term: 2018 Fall
Final Term: Current
Final Term: 2019 Fall
Lecture 4.0 Credit(s) 3.0 Period(s) 3.0 Load
Lab (zero credit) 0.0
Credit(s) 3.0 Period(s)
3.0 Load
Subject Type: AcademicLoad Formula: T - Lab Load |
MCCCD Official Course Competencies | |||
1. Describe principles of scientific method. (I)
2. Describe the structural organization of the body. (II) 3. Describe homeostasis and homeostatic control mechanisms. (III-XV) 4. Describe specific chemistry concepts of the body. (IV-XV) 5. Describe the structure and function of the integumentary system and body membranes. (V) 6. Describe the structure and function of the skeletal system and joints. (VI) 7. Describe the structure and function of the muscular system. (VII) 8. Describe the structure and function of the nervous system. (VIII) 9. Describe the structure and function of the endocrine system. (IX) 10. Describe the structure and function of the cardiovascular system. (X) 11. Describe the structure and function of the lymphatic system and immunity. (XI) 12. Describe the structure and function of the respiratory system. (XII) 13. Describe the structure and function of the digestive system. (XIII) 14. Describe the structure and function of the urinary system. (XIV) 15. Describe the structure and function of the reproductive system. (XV) | |||
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements. | |||
MCCCD Official Course Outline | |||
I. Scientific method
A. Process of scientific inquiry B. Experimentation and analysis C. Laboratory activities 1. Laboratory processes and procedures 2. Laboratory equipment and supplies 3. Anatomical models, specimens, images, software, simulations and/or other interactive materials II. Structural organization A. Anatomical position and directional terms B. Body planes and quadrants C. Body cavities D. Regional terms E. Structural units 1. Cells a. Structures b. Membrane permeability and transport 2. Tissues a. Epithelial b. Connective c. Muscle d. Nervous 3. Organs 4. Systems III. Homeostasis A. Components B. Feedback mechanisms IV. Basic chemistry of the body A. Atomic structure and ions B. pH, acid, base, buffer C. Organic molecules V. Integumentary system and body membranes A. Integument (skin and derivatives) 1. Structure 2. Function B. Membranes 1. Classification 2. Location C. Wound healing VI. Skeletal system and joints A. Bone Structure 1. Types 2. Classification 3. Bony features B. Bone function C. Bone formation, growth and remodeling D. Joints 1. Fibrous 2. Cartilaginous 3. Synovial VII. Muscular system A. Skeletal muscle 1. Structure 2. General functions 3. Major groups and related actions 4. General mechanism of contraction B. Cardiac muscle 1. Structure 2. Function C. Smooth muscle 1. Structure 2. Function VIII. Nervous system A. Structural and functional overview 1. Organization 2. Cell types a. Neuron b. Neuroglia 3. Nerve impulse B. Central nervous system 1. Structures a. Brain b. Spinal cord c. Ventricles 2. Functions 3. Protection a. Cerebrospinal fluid b. Meninges C. Peripheral nervous system 1. Divisions a. Somatic b. Autonomic 2. Nerves a. Cranial nerves b. Spinal nerves c. Major peripheral nerves 3. Functions D. Special senses 1. Eye 2. Ear IX. Endocrine system A. General functions B. Major glands C. Hormones 1. Target 2. Actions X. Cardiovascular System A. Blood 1. Composition a. Fluids b. Cells 2. Functions a. Transport b. Hemostasis overview 3. Blood groups B. Heart 1. Structures a. Chambers b. Valves c. Great vessels of the heart d. Coronary vessels e. Pericardium 2. Blood flow pathway a. Route b. Systole and diastole 3. Conduction pathway a. Route b. Normal EKG C. Blood vessels 1. Types 2. Major arteries 3. Major veins 4. Circulatory routes 5. Blood pressure XI. Lymphatic system and immunity A. Lymphatic system 1. Major organs 2. Vessels a. Lymph b. Drainage 3. General functions B. Immunity 1. Nonspecific 2. Specific a. Antibodies b. Cells XII. Respiratory system A. Structures 1. Air pathways 2. Gas exchange 3. Pleural membranes B. Functions 1. General mechanism of ventilation 2. General mechanism of respiration 3. Role in acid-base balance XIII. Digestive system A. Structures 1. Gastrointestinal tract 2. Accessory organs 3. Peritoneum B. General functions 1. Digestion 2. Absorption 3. Elimination pathway and process XIV. Urinary system A. Structures 1. Gross anatomy a. Organs b. Gender differences 2. Nephron B. Functions 1. Urine formation overview 2. Elimination pathway and process 3. Role in acid-base balance XV. Reproductive system A. Male 1. Structures a. Testes b. Accessory glands c. Ducts d. Sperm pathway 2. Functions a. Sperm formation b. Semen production c. Hormonal regulation B. Female 1. Structures a. Ovaries b. Accessory structures c. Ovum pathway 2. Functions a. Ovum formation b. Hormonal regulation 3. Menstrual cycle 4. Pregnancy 5. Menopause | |||
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: May 22, 2018 |