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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues of the Internet Studies
Course: GBS211

First Term: 2018 Spring
Lec + Lab   3.0 Credit(s)   4.0 Period(s)   3.7 Load  
Subject Type: Occupational
Load Formula: S - Standard Load

Description: Legal, ethical and regulatory issues of the Internet environment, including personal, commercial and business electronic transactions in cyberspace.

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Describe the relationship between the law and the Internet. (I)
2. Describe interoperability and compatibility of Internet applications. (II)
3. Identify and explain jurisdictional issues regarding the Internet. (III)
4. Identify and explain antitrust issues as they relate to the Internet. (IV)
5. Identify and describe intellectual property protections in cyberspace. (V)
6. Describe privacy regulations and protections on the web. (VI)
7. Define cyber-defamation and cyber libel and related legal issues. (VII)
8. Identify legal and electronic protection issues against obscene and indecent materials on the Internet. (VIII)
9. Describe the legal protections of commerce on the Internet. (IX)
10. Identify tax issues that affect electronic commerce. (X)
11. Identify and explain export control issues raised by the Internet. (XI)
12. Identify future legal ethical, and regulatory issues facing the Internet. (XII)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Introduction to the Internet
   A. What is the Internet?
   B. Who pays for the Internet?
   C. What does the Internet do?
   D. How do we access the Internet?
   E. The Internet and the law
II. Regulation of access, interoperability and services
   A. Network access
   B. Interoperability and compatibility
   C. Regulation of new Internet applications
III. Jurisdictional Issues in Cyberspace
   A. Classic principles of personal jurisdiction
   B. Personal jurisdiction and the Internet
   C. Planning considerations
IV. Antitrust
   A. Pricing
   B. Bundling and tying
   C. Intellectual property and antitrust
   D. Self-regulation and standards
   E. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) oversight of commercial practices
   F. Access, equipment and content
   G. Vestiges of the modified final judgment
   H. Antitrust theory and the Internet
V. Intellectual property
   A. Copyright
   B. Patents
   C. Trademark
   D. Trade secrets
   E. Moral rights
   F. International regulation of intellectual property
   G. Recommendations of the working group on intellectual property rights
   H. Alternative methods to manage and protect intellectual property
   I. Intellectual property as a resource
   J. Intellectual property as a new economic and legal paradigm
VI. Privacy
   A. Privacy and electronic mail
   B. Privacy and the Worldwide Web
   C. Privacy and search mechanisms
   D. Protection of personal privacy on-line
   E. Privacy and security of internal networks
   F. Access to public information and the Freedom of Information Act
   G. Privacy regulation by different jurisdictions
VII. Defamation
   A. The law of libel and slander
   B. Cyber-libel: defamation in the on-line environment
   C. An Internet Service Provider\222s (ISP\222s) responsibility for content on its system
   D. Possible application of foreign libel and slander laws to U.S. ISP\222s
VIII. Obscene and indecent materials
   A. Obscenity
   B. Federal obscenity laws
   C. Indecency laws and the Internet
   D. Child pornography laws
   E. Risks faced by ISP\222s and Bulletin Board (BB) operators
   F. Filtering software
IX. Commerce
   A. Transactions over the Internet
   B. Contracts for the sale of goods
   C. Electronic commerce
   D. Internet commerce today
   E. Smart cards
   F. Electronic cash
   G. Digital checks
   H. Electronic banking
   I. Securities transactions
   J. Tax payments
   K. Creating the electronic marketplace
   L. Sales on the Internet
   M. Internet subscription services
   N. On-line advertising
   O. On-line commercial communities
   P. The Web as a logistical support mechanism
   Q. Developing a Web presence
   R. Legal issues associated with electronic commerce
X. Tax Issues and electronic commerce
   A. U.S. federal taxation of foreign income
   B. Substantive tax law issues and electronic commerce
   C. Tax administration and compliance
   D. State taxation of electronic commerce
   E. A peek into the future
XI. Export controls
   A. Export control format
   B. Export control issues raised by the Internet
XII. The future of the Internet
   A. Legal issues
   B. Ethical issues
   C. Regulatory issues
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: February 27, 2018

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