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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Advanced GTAW Non-Ferrous Welding
Course: WLD206AC

First Term: 2018 Summer
Lec + Lab   5.0 Credit(s)   8.0 Period(s)   7.1 Load  
Subject Type: Occupational
Load Formula: S - Standard Load

Description: Instruction in theory and practice on Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) with emphasis on Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) certification 1G and 3G positions. Welding procedures on nonferrous metals. Set up and operation of all types of machines used in TIG operations.

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Demonstrate weld testing positions. (I)
2. Identify testing procedures as they relate to material analysis. (II)
3. Describe different methods of metal identification. (III)
4. Describe different types of metal testing methods used in industry. (IV)
5. Identify welding symbols used on blueprints. (V)
6. Design and layout templates used for welding. (VI)
7. Describe the process of tig welding and the advantages of the tig welding process. (VII)
8. Explain different weld machines and related equipment. (VIII, XII)
9. Demonstrate the process of setting up welding procedures. (IX)
10. Identify the different types of alloys and the applications of each. (X)
11. Perform welding procedure as related to TIG welding. (XI, XIII)
12. Perform a American Welding Society (AWS) certification test in two positions 1G (flat) and 3G (vertical) welding aluminum with the TIG welding process, all plates will be x-rayed. (XIV)
13. Perform a military specification certificate test in the (flat) 1G position with alloy aluminum using the tig welding process, all plates will be x-rayed. (XIV)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Testing Positions
   A. Flat
   B. Horizontal
   C. Vertical
   D. Overhead
II. Testing Procedures
   A. Joint Types
   B. Position of Work
   C. Material Analysis
   D. Testing Method
   E. Allowable Tolerance
III. Metal Identification
   A. Appearance
   B. Weight
   C. Hardness
   D. Magnetism
   E. Cross-Sectional Break Area
IV. Test Methods
   A. Tensile Strength Test
   B. X-Ray Examination
   C. Ultrasonic Test
   D. Pressure Test
   E. Static Load Test
V. Blueprint Symbols
   A. Joint Symbol Identification
   B. Weld Symbol Identification
   C. Weld Location
   D. Weld Duration Signs
   E. Detail Information
   F. Material List
VI. Layout
   A. Short Method Pipe
   B. Templates Pipe
   C. Locking Methods
   D. Measurements
   E. Weld Sequence
VII. Description of Process
   A. Arc Stream
   B. Shielding of Molten Metal
   C. Adding of Filler Metal
VIII. Equipment
   A. AC Machine
   B. DC Machine
   C. Torches
   D. Tungsten Electrodes
   E. Electrical System
   F. Gas System
   G. Water System
IX. Procedures
   A. Joint Design
   B. Cleaning
   C. Weld Backing
   D. Welding Current
   E. Weld Speed
   F. Arc Length
   G. Tungsten Electrode Diameter
   H. Welding Techniques
   I. Gas Flow Rate-Cubic Foot per Hours (CFH)
   J. Cup Sizes
   K. Rod Composition
   L. High Frequency and Balance
   M. Striking the Arc
   N. Fouling of the Electrode
X. Application
   A. Aluminum
   B. Magnesium
   C. Copper Alloys
XI. Description of Process
   A. Arc stream
   B. Shielding of arc and molten puddle
   C. Mechanical adding of filler rod
XII. Equipment (TIG)
   A. DC Generator
   B. Transformer rectifier/inverter
   C. Electrical system
   D. Shielding gas system
   E. Possible water system
XIII. Procedures (TIG)
   A. Joint design
   B. Cleaning
   C. Filler wire
   D. Current
   E. Balance/ Frequency
   F. Welding techniques
   G. Gas flow rate - CFH
   H. Nozzle size
XIV. Certifications: American Welding Society (AWS) and Military Specifications
   A. Procedure qualification
   B. Aluminum set-up
   C. Flat position (1G)
   D. Vertical position (3G)
   E. X-ray
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: November 28, 2017

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.