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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Online Teaching and Learning I
Course: ETL220

First Term: 2018 Spring
Lecture   3.0 Credit(s)   3.0 Period(s)   3.0 Load  
Subject Type: Academic
Load Formula: S- Standard

Description: Application of and experience using an online teaching and learning environment from a student`s perspective to inform the design and support of an online course environment. Application and evaluation of online learning principles and tools for teaching and learning. Identification and development of online facilitation knowledge and skills. Introduction to the best practices in content building, course design and delivery.

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Access and apply the features of an online environment for teaching and learning. (I)
2. Identify, describe and evaluate technologies of an online environment for teaching and learning. (I)
3. Identify institutional policies and support services for instructors and students in online environments for teaching and learning. (I)
4. Identify current issues and trends in online education. (II)
5. Identify and reflect on areas of strengths and opportunities for online teaching readiness. (II)
6. Identify and discuss personal learning styles and explain strategies to design and facilitate the online learning environment to address the needs of diverse learners. (II)
7. Identify and describe issues of addressing accessibility in the online teaching environment. (II)
8. Identify student interaction types and instructional facilitation concepts in an online course. (III)
9. Access and collaborate online using online learning tools and reflect on the challenges of online group collaborations. (III)
10. Identify, review and evaluate tools for building online communities and assessing learners. (III, VI)
11. Outline a plan for online facilitation and learning community interaction. (III, IV)
12. Construct course policy statements relevant to online learning such as netiquette and academic integrity. (IV, VI)
13. Identify, discuss and apply the concepts of copyright in the selection, use and creation of course materials. (V)
14. Identify, summarize and reflect on online assessment strategies. (VI)
15. Identify and evaluate the implementation of best practice standards in online course design. (VII)
16. Develop and reflect on a course design strategy. (VII)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Exploring the Online Environment for Teaching and Learning
   A. Access and navigation of Online learning environment
      1. Communication tools
      2. Account configuration
      3. Technology requirements
   B. Support for the online learning environment
      1. Support services and resources
      2. User documentation
   C. Use of online learning environment features
      1. Quiz tool
      2. Discussion tool
      3. Grades
      4. Content
II. Shifting to the Online Classroom
   A. Readiness to teach online
      1. Trends and issues in online education
      2. Traits for successful online teaching
   B. Teaching online learners
      1. Learning styles
      2. Universal design
      3. Accessibility
III. Building an Online Community
   A. Student Interaction
   B. Active learning and collaboration in the online environment
   C. Humanizing practices
IV. Facilitating Online Classes
   A. Facilitation concepts
   B. Classroom expectations and management
   C. Netiquette
   D. Developing a facilitation plan
V. Developing and Finding Content for the Online Environment
   A. Creative Commons licensing
   B. Copyright and Fair Use
   C. Open Educational Resources
VI. Assessing Learning in the Online Environment
   A. Introduction to Classroom assessment techniques
   B. Academic integrity
   C. Online tools for assessment
VII. Introduction to Best Practices and Standards in Online Education
   A. Introduction to course design standards
      1. Learning objectives
      2. Alignment
      3. Design rubrics
   B. Developing a course design strategy
      1. Course review
      2. Reflection

MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: May 23, 2017

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.