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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Major: 3030
Effective Term: 2022 Fall   

Award: AAS
Total Credits: 64-72
CIP Code: 01.0603

Instructional Council: Agriculture/Equine Science (02)
GPA: 2.00
SOC Code: Upon completion of this degree, students may pursue a career as:
11-9013.01 Nursery and Greenhouse Managers
37-1012.00 First-Line Supervisors of Landscaping, Lawn Service, and Groundskeeping Workers

Description: The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Landscape Horticulture program helps prepare students for careers as gardeners, technicians, supervisors, managers, or business owners in wholesale or retail nurseries, florists, landscape design and construction operations, or landscape management companies. In addition, the program helps prepare students for careers with local, state, and federal government agencies involved with the technical phases of the Landscape Horticulture industry.

Learning Outcomes
1. Design and install complete landscapes and irrigation systems using blueprints, specifications, and appropriate landscape equipment. (AGL181, AGL/CAD269, AGS192, AGS262, AGS284, CRE101, DFT105AA, [MA])
2. Design and manage a greenhouse facility. (AGL/CAD269, AGS186, AGS262, AGS285, CRE101, [MA])
3. Apply knowledge of common landscape plants and their use to develop landscape and irrigation plans that meet the environmental, aesthetic and cultural needs of the customer. (AGL189, AGS164, AGS183, AGS260, AGS262, AGS284, CRE101, SSH111, (FYC))
4. Effectively maintain and assess landscapes by synthesizing principles of plant growth and responses to particular soils, climate, sun exposure, water availability, nutrients and pests. (AGS164, AGS183, AGS260, AGS262, AGS284, AGS268, CHM130, (FYC))
5. Employ environmentally and socially responsible horticultural practices. (AGB130, AGL181, AGL189, AGS164, AGS182AA, AGS183, AGS186, AGS260, AGS262, AGS268, AGS284, AGS285, CRE101, SSH111, (FYC))
6. Perform a cost analysis to develop competitive bidding for landscapes. (AGB130, AGB139, AGL181, AGS262, CRE101, [MA])
7. Synthesize multiple sources of information to assist in decision making relative to landscape business operations (e.g. orders, inventory, scheduling). (AGB130, AGL181, AGL189, AGL/CAD269, AGS182AA, AGS186, AGS192, AGS285, CRE101, [COM], DFT105AA, [MA], (FYC))
8. Utilize computer software program applications relevant to the field for communication skills, production decisions, business management and cost analysis. (AGB130, AGB139, AGS186, CRE101, [MA], (FYC))
9. Demonstrate professional behaviors and abide by norms and conventions appropriate to the field. (AGB130, AGL181, AGL189, AGL/CAD269, AGS182AA, AGS164, AGS186, AGS192, AGS260, AGS262, AGS285, CRE101, SSH111)
10. Employ effective oral, written, and visual communication skills to multiple stakeholders in a culturally sensitive and responsive manner. (AGB130, AGB139, AGL181, AGL189, AGS192, AGS186, AGS260, AGS262, AGS268, AGS284, AGS285, CRE101, SSH111, [COM], [MA], (FYC))
11. Operate equipment adhering to proper safety, ethical, and environmental protocols. (AGL181, AGS182AA, AGS186, AGS192, AGS262, AGS268, AGS284, AGS285, CRE101)
12. Explain the physical and chemical properties of soil as they relate to pH, water, nutrients and organic matter. (AGS260, CHM130)
13. Apply relevant knowledge, skills, and habits of mind to seek career opportunities in the field. (FYE101, FYE103)
Program Notes
Students must earn a grade of C or better in all courses within the program.
The course SSH111 cannot be used to satisfy both the Humanities, Arts and Design and Social-Behavioral Sciences areas.
Must take three (3) credits from either Humanities, Arts and Design area or Social-Behavioral Sciences area.

Required Courses
AGB130 Establishing and Running an Agribusiness 3
AGB139 Agribusiness Computer Operations 3
AGL181 Landscape Construction Techniques 3
AGL189 Landscape Design I 3
AGS164 Plant Growth and Development 4
AGS182AA Gardening Practices and Techniques 3
AGS183 Urban Plant Identification and Use 3
AGS192 Urban Plant Care 3
AGS262 Irrigation Design, Installation, Operation, and Trouble Shooting 3
AGS268 Integrated Pest Management in the Cultivated Environment 4
AGS284 Lawn and Turf Care 3

FYE101 Introduction to College, Career and Personal Success (1) OR
FYE103 Exploration of College, Career and Personal Success (3) 1-3

SSH111 Sustainable Cities 3

CHM130 Fundamental Chemistry (3) OR
Permission of Program Director (0) 0-3
Credits: 38-43

+ indicates course has prerequisites and/or corequisites.
++ indicates that any suffixed course may be selected.
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: June 28, 2022

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.