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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Major: 3502
Effective Term: 2022 Fall   

Award: AAS
Total Credits: 60-85
CIP Code: 46.0412

Instructional Council: Applied Technology
GPA: 2.00
SOC Code: Upon completion of this degree, students may pursue a career as:
11-9021.00 Construction Managers

Description: The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Construction Management provides instruction in management skills, construction industry specific technical and occupational subjects, such as construction planning, design, and OSHA 30 safety. This degree helps prepare graduates for a productive career in the construction industry as an owner, foreman, project engineer, manager, project manager, or property manager. Provides knowledge in construction ethics, estimating, and contracts and prepares graduates for the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Associates exam in order to become LEED Certified. This curriculum also provides good preparation for transfer to a four-year bachelor program in Construction and satisfies much of the requirements for the AGEC-A and Associate in Arts Degrees.

Learning Outcomes
1. Manage teams as a leader by setting a direction, aligning resources and managing others. (CIS224, CON100, CON101, MGT229, MGT253, [H], [HU], [SB])
2. Effectively communicate with multiple stakeholders in a culturally responsive manner. (CIS224, CON100, CON101, CON181, CON241, CON244, CON262, CON263, CON271, MGT229, MGT253, (COM), [FYC], [SB])
3. Formulate and evaluate information to effectively carry out a construction-related plan. (CIS224, CON100, CON101, CON181, CON220, CON221, CON223, CON241, CON243, CON244, CON251, CON252, CON262, CON263, CON271, CON273, GTC107, GTC108, MAT150, MAT151, MAT152, MAT155, MAT156, MAT182, MAT187, MAT206, (CRE), [FYC], [SB])
4. Cultivate an awareness of environmental and cultural impacts at the local, community, and global level during planning and construction phases. (ECN211, ECN212, CON101, CON220, CON221, CON223, CON271, ECN211, ECN212, MGT229, MGT253, [SB])
5. Utilize technical knowledge and skills to achieve design specifications. (CON100, CON101, CON181, CON220, CON221, CON223, CON241, CON243, CON244, CON251, CON252, CON262, CON263, CON271, CON273, GTC107, GTC108, PHY111, MAT150, MAT151, MAT152, MAT155, MAT156, MAT182, MAT187, MAT206, [SQ])
6. Utilize technology and software to create and interpret reports, designs and their elements. (CIS224, CON100, CON181, CON244, CON251, CON271, MGT229, MGT253, [CS] [SB])
7. Apply professional and ethical practices. (CIS224, ECN211, ECN212, CON100, CON101, CON181, CON220, CON221, CON223, CON241, CON243, CON244, CON251, CON252, CON262, CON263, CON271, CON273, (COM), (CRE), [FYC], GTC107, GTC108, MAT150, MAT151, MAT152, MAT155, MAT156, MAT182, MAT187, MAT206, MGT229, MGT253)
8. Collaborate with diverse stakeholders to achieve common goals. (CIS224, CON100, CON101, CON181, CON220, CON221, CON223, CON241, CON243, CON244, CON251, CON252, CON262, CON263, CON271, CON273, MGT229, MGT253, (COM) [SB]
9. Practice appropriate Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards in daily work activities. (CON100, CON101, CON181, CON243, CON244, CON251, CON252, CON262, CON263, CON271)
10. Apply relevant knowledge, skills, and habits of mind to seek career opportunities in the field. (FYE101, FYE103)
Program Notes
Students must earn a grade of C or better in all courses within the program.

Required Courses
CON100 Introduction to Construction 2
CON101 Construction and Culture 3

CON220 Statics Application for Construction (3) OR
+ CON221 Applied Statics (3) 3
Note: Students intending to transfer to ASU to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management and Technology should select CON221

CON223 Strength of Materials 3

CIS224 Project Management Microsoft Project for Windows (3) OR
CON241 Surveying (3) OR
MGT229 Management and Leadership I (3) OR
MGT253 Owning and Operating a Small Business (3) 3
Note: Students intending to transfer to ASU to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management and Technology should select CON241

CON243 Heavy Construction Equipment, Methods, and Materials 3
CON244 Working Drawing Analysis: Blueprint Reading 3
CON251 Microcomputers for Constructors 3
CON252 Building Construction Methods, Materials, and Equipment 3
CON262 Introduction International Residential Code (IRC) 3
CON263 Building Codes 3
CON271 Construction Safety 3
CON273 Electrical Construction Fundamentals 3

ECN211 Macroeconomic Principles (3) OR
ECN212 Microeconomic Principles (3) 3
Note: Both ECN211 and ECN212 are required for ASU`s Bachelor of Science in Construction Management and Technology

FYE101 Introduction to College, Career and Personal Success (1) OR
FYE103 Exploration of College, Career and Personal Success (3) 1-3
Credits: 42-44

+ indicates course has prerequisites and/or corequisites.
++ indicates that any suffixed course may be selected.
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: June 28, 2022

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.