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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Major: 5962
Effective Term: 2023 Fall   

Award: CCL  
Total Credits: 36-38
CIP Code: 11.0501

Instructional Council: Computer Information Systems
GPA: 2.0
SOC Code: Upon completion of this certificate, students may pursue a career as:
15-1211.00 Computer Systems Analyst.

Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Programming and Systems Analysis Level II provides an in-depth exploration of different computer language and technical skills. This CCL includes, but is not limited to the following: local area networks, team roles, and dynamics. A Certificate of Completion (CCL) in iOS Application Development and an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Programming and Systems Analysis are available.

Learning Outcomes
1. Analyze business requirements using critical thinking skills. (CIS105, CIS133DA, CIS150++, CIS151, CIS156, CIS159, CIS162++, CIS163AA, CIS165++, CIS166++, CIS225++, CIS250, CIS251, CIS259, CIS262++, CIS263AA, CIS265, GBS151, GBS211)
2. Use computer systems and networks in a responsible and ethical manner. (CIS105, CIS190, CIS225++, CIS250, CNT140AB, GBS151, MST140++)
3. Design, develop and implement database solutions to effectively manage data. (CIS119DO, CIS276++)
4. Develop and implement well-structured computer programs that solve business problems. (CIS150++, CIS151, CIS156, CIS159, CIS162++, CIS163AA, CIS165++, CIS251, CIS259, CIS262++, CIS263AA, CIS265)
5. Utilize the software development lifecycle for application development. (CIS150++, CIS151, CIS166++, CIS156, CIS159, CIS162++, CIS163AA, CIS165++, CIS225++, CIS250, CIS251, CIS259, CIS262++, CIS263AA, CIS265)
6. Test and debug computer programs. (CIS150++, CIS151, CIS156, CIS159, CIS162++, CIS163AA, CIS165++, CIS251, CIS259, CIS262++, CIS263AA, CIS265)
7. Leverage the functions and architecture of an operating system to achieve business objectives. (CIS105, CIS126DL, CIS126RH, CIS165++, CIS265. MST150++,)
8. Communicate professionally in formal and informal situations to diverse audiences. (CIS133DA, CIS166++, CIS225++, CIS250, GBS211)
9. Write effective documentation according to industry standards. (CIS133DA, CIS150++, CIS151, CIS166++, CIS156, CIS159, CIS162++, CIS163AA, CIS165++, CIS225++, CIS250, CIS251, CIS259, CIS262++, CIS263AA, CIS265)
10. Collaborate effectively with diverse teams. (GBS151)
11. Apply an understanding of characteristics and principles of business processes to software application development. (CIS133DA, CIS150++, CIS151, CIS156, CIS159, CIS162++, CIS163AA, CIS165++, CIS166++, CIS224, CIS225++, CIS250, CIS251, CIS259, CIS262++, CIS263AA, CIS265, GBS151)
12. Design web-based applications using client-side and server-side scripting. (CIS133DA, CIS166++, CIS262++ CIS263AA)
13. Develop a project scope while considering factors such as customer requirements, project costs, return on investment, and internal/external business objectives. (CIS133DA, CIS150++, CIS151, CIS156, CIS159, CIS162++, CIS163AA, CIS165++, CIS166++, CIS224, CIS225++, CIS250, CIS251, CIS259, CIS262++, CIS263AA, CIS265, CIS267, GBS211)
Program Notes
Students must earn a grade of C or better in all courses within the program.

Consultation with an Academic Advisor is recommended for course selection.

Required Courses
The following courses are required and included in CCL Programming and Systems Analysis Level I

CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3

+ CIS119DO Introduction to Oracle: SQL (3) OR
+ CIS276DA MySQL Database (3) OR
+ CIS276DB SQL Server Database (3) 3

CIS126DL Linux Operating System (3) OR
CIS126RH Red Hat System Administration I (3) OR
+ MST150++ Any Microsoft Windows course (3) 3

CIS133DA Internet/Web Development Level I 3

+ CIS150 Programming Fundamentals (3) OR
+ CIS150AB Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals (3) 3

+ CIS156 Python Programming: Level I (3) OR
+ CIS159 Visual Basic Programming I (3) OR
+ CIS162++ Any C Programming: Level I course (3) OR
+ CIS163AA Java Programming: Level I (3) OR
+ CIS165++ Any Mobile Application Development course (3) 3

+ CIS166++ Any Web Scripting course(s) 3
GBS151 Introduction to Business 3

The following courses are required for CCL Programming and Systems Level II

+ CIS190 Introduction to Networking (3) OR
CNT140AB Introduction to Networks (4) OR
+ MST140 Microsoft Networking Essentials (3) 3-4

+ CIS225 Business Systems Analysis and Design (3) OR
+ CIS225AB Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (3) OR
+ CIS250 Management of Information Systems (3) 3

Select a programming language from below that best aligns with academic and professional goals (1 course for a total of 3 credits) in one of the following areas:

+ CIS256 Python Programming: Level II (3) OR
+ CIS259 Visual Basic Programming II (3) OR
+ CIS262++ Any C Programming: Level II course (3) OR
+ CIS263AA Java Programming: Level II (3) OR
+ CIS265 Advanced iOS Application Development (3) 3
Credits: 33-34

+ indicates course has prerequisites and/or corequisites.
++ indicates that any suffixed course may be selected.
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: February 28, 2023

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.
