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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Major: 5884
Effective Term: 2023 Fall   

Award: CCL  
Total Credits: 18-24
CIP Code: 52.1301

Instructional Council: Computer Information Systems (12)
GPA: 2.00
SOC Code: Upon completion of this certificate, students may pursue a career as:
15-2031.00 Operations Research Analysts

Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Data Analytics is designed to prepare students to model, synthesize, analyze, and present large data sets for business decision making. Courses will focus on the techniques and computer software used in industry to extract data from various data sources, model and integrate that data, and then visualize this data for business decision making and intelligence gathering. This program prepares students for industry certification and is embedded (can be used to fulfill requirements) in the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Data Analytics available at MCCCD.

Learning Outcomes
1. Use a computer spreadsheet program to create, store, modify, and print electronic spreadsheets. (CIS114DE, CIS214DA)
2. Demonstrate the skills needed to set up, maintain, and use a database management program. (CIS117DM)
3. Design and create database structures to store, retrieve, update, and display data in a relational database using SQL. (CIS214DA, CIS217AM, CIS276DA, CIS276DB)
4. Identify the fundamental characteristics and functions of modern business, including business principles, marketing, labor relations, and business risk. (GBS151)
5. Solve probability applications. (GBS220, MAT15+)
6. Distinguish between continuous and discrete variables for business intelligence. (CIS214DA, GBS220)
7. Calculate and interpret descriptive statistics for either raw or grouped data. (CIS214DA, GBS220)
8. Use descriptive and inferential statistical techniques and confidence levels for decision making when testing hypotheses. (CIS214DA, GBS220, MAT15+)
9. Use regression and correlation analysis to interpret the results. (CIS214DA, GBS220, GBS221, MAT15+)
10. Apply data modeling techniques for data visualization and informed decision making. (CIS214DA)
Program Notes
Students must earn a grade of C or better in all courses within the program.

CIS214DE is not equivalent to CIS214DA for the purposes of this certificate and should not be used to complete program requirements. Students who have completed GBS221 can use this course in lieu of GBS220.

Computer Information System (CIS) courses required by this program are not applicable if taken more than eight (8) years prior to the completion of the program of study. Consult with an Academic Advisor for complete information.

Required Courses
CIS114DE Excel Spreadsheet 3
CIS117DM Microsoft Access: Database Management 3
+ CIS214DA Advanced Excel for Data Analytics 3

+ CIS217AM Advanced Microsoft Access: Database Management (3) OR
+ CIS276DA MySQL Database (3) OR
+ CIS276DB SQL Server Database (3) 3

GBS151 Introduction to Business 3

+ GBS220 Quantitative Methods in Business (3) OR
+ GBS221 Business Statistics (3) 3

+ MAT150 College Algebra/Functions (5) OR
+ MAT151 College Algebra/Functions (4) OR
+ MAT152 College Algebra/Functions (3) OR
+ MAT155 College Algebra/Functions with Review (5) OR
+ MAT156 College Algebra/Functions with Review (6) OR
Satisfactory District math placement (0) 0-6
Credits: 18-24

+ indicates course has prerequisites and/or corequisites.
++ indicates that any suffixed course may be selected.
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: February 28, 2023

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.
