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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Major: 5286
Effective Term: 2022 Fall   

Award: CCL  
Total Credits: 24
CIP Code: 52.0212

Instructional Council: Business/Management
GPA: 2.0
SOC Code: Upon completion of this certificate, students may pursue a career as:
41-1011.00 First Line Supervisor of Retail Sales
11-2021.00 Marketing Managers
11-2022.00 Sales Managers

Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Retail Management is designed to prepare individuals working in the retail industry, and related fields, for the industry training needs in supervision and management, marketing, financial management, and business planning. The curriculum encompasses several business essentials and also emphasizes the skill sets needed for effective management and communication in the work environment. An Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Retail Management is also available.

Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate skills in leading, negotiating, and working in harmony with others in a business setting. (MGT101, MGT229, MGT251)
2. Apply fundamental concepts to perform basic computing skills and technology operations. (BPC110, CIS105)
3. Demonstrate communication principles and critical thinking through written and oral formats. (COM100)
4. Evaluate various leadership styles and management techniques and explain their use in contemporary business settings. (MGT101, MGT229, MGT251)
5. Apply marketing principles to the development of a marketing strategy. (MKT271)
6. Evaluate current trends in human resource management and human resource needs to develop a human resource plan. (MGT251, MGT276)
7. Interpret and analyze financial information and financial performance measures to make business decisions. (ACC111, ACC211)
8. Evaluate merchandising, financial planning, and strategy in the industry to make business decisions. (MGT180)
9. Create and present a strategic plan for a business, including financial strategy and financial performance measures. (MGT180)
Program Notes
Students must earn a grade of C or better in all courses within the program.

Required Courses
ACC111 Accounting Principles I (3) OR
ACC211 Financial Accounting (3) 3

BPC110 Computer Usage and Applications (3) OR
CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems (3) 3

COM100 Introduction to Human Communication 3

MGT101 Techniques of Supervision (3) OR
MGT229 Management and Leadership I (3) 3

MGT251 Human Relations in Business 3
MGT180 Retail Management 3
MGT276 Human Resources Management 3
MKT271 Principles of Marketing 3
Credits: 24

+ indicates course has prerequisites and/or corequisites.
++ indicates that any suffixed course may be selected.
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: June 22, 2021

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.
