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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Major: 5008
Effective Term: 2013 Fall   

Award: CCL  
Total Credits: 16
CIP Code: 43.0104

Instructional Council: Administration of Justice Studies (01)
GPA: 2.0
SOC Code: 25-1111, 33-1011, 33-1012

Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Administration of Justice - Comprehensive program is designed to provide students with supplemental courses to broaden the preparation for a variety of positions in the justice fields. Students who have previously received a degree in different fields of study will be assisted in entering careers in the justice fields beyond the entry levels. An Associate in Applied Science (AAS) is also available.

Consumer Program Costs and Career Information

Suggested Course Plan Sequenced by Semester

Required Courses
AJS150 Defensive Tactics (1) OR
AJS198++ Special Topics in the Administration of Justice (any suffixed course) (1) OR
+ AJS290++ Any AJS290 course (1) 1

AJS212 Juvenile Justice Procedures 3
AJS225 Criminology 3
AJS260 Procedural Criminal Law 3
AJS270 Community Relations 3
AJS275 Criminal Investigation I 3

Credits: 16

Program Competencies
1. Demonstrate apply basic techniques of unarmed self-defense. (AJS150)
2. Associate and apply topic with current criminal justice issues. (AJS198++, AJS290++)
3. Trace the history and development of juvenile justice theories, procedures, and institutions. (AJS212)
4. Identify current issues, techniques, and trends in the criminal justice system. (AJS225)
5. Identify and describe the major social, political, and legal issues associated with crime in America. (AJS225)
6. Identify deviance, society`s role in defining behavior, theories of criminality, and psychological impact of crime. (AJS225)
7. Describe the major rules of evidence, including the Opinion Rule, Hearsay Rules (and its exceptions), Best Evidence Rule, the Exclusionary Rule, and the rules regarding privileged communications. (AJS260)
8. Describe procedural criminal law requirements and their effect on the criminal justice system. (AJS260)
9. Describe the criminal law procedure for arrest, search, and seizure. (AJS260)
10. Identify principles of law which have evolved from "landmark" decisions pertaining to criminal justice. (AJS260)
11. Trace the development of police/community programs. (AJS270)
12. Identify and describe future trends in police/community relations. (AJS270)
13. Identify and describe the goals and objectives of criminal investigation. (AJS275)
14. Describe criminal investigation and list the appropriate steps to be undertaken during the investigation of specific crimes. (AJS275)
+ indicates course has prerequisites and/or corequisites.
++ indicates that any suffixed course may be selected.
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: April 23, 2013

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.
