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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Major: 5877
Effective Term: 2009 Spring   

Award: CCL  
Total Credits: 19
CIP Code: 43.0106

Instructional Council: Administration of Justice Studies (01)
GPA: 2.0
SOC Code: 19-4092, 25-1111

Description: The Evidence Technology Certificate of Completion (CCL) curriculum is designed to prepare students for careers in the fields of forensics technology. It provides practitioners in the Evidence Technology field with the opportunity for academic growth and development in their specialized fields.

Consumer Program Costs and Career Information

Required Courses
AJS101 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3
AJS213 Evidence Technology/Fingerprints 3
AJS215 Criminalistics: Physical Evidence 3
AJS216 Criminalistics: Biological Evidence 3
AJS241 Police Photography 3
AJS275 Criminal Investigation I 3
AJS290BN Courtroom Testimony Seminar 1

Credits: 19

Program Competencies
1. Identify and describe the major components of the criminal justice process. (AJS101)
2. Describe government structure and its relationship to the criminal justice system. (AJS101)
3. Classify fingerprints using the Henry System and National Crime Information Center System. (AJS213)
4. Take and record fingerprints. (AJS213)
5. Apply the fundamental principles of fingerprint identification. (AJS213)
6. Develop and lift latent prints using both powders and chemical methods. (AJS213)
7. Collect and preserve physical evidence. (AJS215)
8. Describe functions of a crime laboratory. (AJS215)
9. Identify common drugs. (AJS216)
10. Photograph basic accident and crime scenes and specific items of evidence using appropriate photographic techniques. (AJS241)
11. Describe the process to develop and print film. (AJS241)
12. Identify and describe the goals and objectives of criminal investigation. (AJS275)
13. Describe criminal investigation and list the appropriate steps to be undertaken during the investigation of specific crimes. (AJS275)
14. Describe courtroom demeanor and protocol including the role and primary functions of witnesses and legal counsel. (AJS290BN)
+ indicates course has prerequisites and/or corequisites.
++ indicates that any suffixed course may be selected.
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: 2-22-00

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.
