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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Major: 5135
Effective Term: 2020 Fall   

Award: CCL  
Total Credits: 33-45
CIP Code: 45.0701

Instructional Council: Geography
GPA: 2.00
SOC Code: Upon completion of this degree, students may pursue a career as:
11-9199.00 Managers, All Other
19-3092.00 Geographers
25-1064.00 Geography Teachers, Postsecondary

Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Geospatial Technologies program provides a solid foundation in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) concepts, not simply GIS software. This program equips students with fundamental GIS abilities that can be applied in a variety of environments where spatial data analysis is required.

Required Courses
In addition to the required coursework students must consult with a program advisor to select one of the specializations within the Restricted Electives area.

CIS105 Survey of Computer Information Systems 3
GCU102 Introduction to Human Geography 3
GIS205 Geographic Information Technologies 3
+ GIS211 Geographic Information Science I 4
+ GIS220 Introduction to ArcPy Scripting 3
+ GIS222 Geographic Information Science II 3
GPH113 Introduction to Physical Geography 4
GCU/GPH298++ Special Projects (any suffixed course) 1-3
Credits: 24-26

Learning Outcomes
1. Identify and apply the geospatial core technologies to data collection, storage, and analysis. (GIS205, GCU/GPH298++, [MA])
2. Identify and explain social and ethical responsibilities associated with the use of GIS as it pertains to environmental and population policies. (GIS205, GIS211, GCU102, GCU/GPH298++)
3. Identify and describe the characteristics of the Earth and how it is represented on a map. (GIS205, GPH113, GCU/GPH298++, [MA])
4. Apply the appropriate representation to environmental and human-related features on a map. (GCU102, GIS205, GPH113, GPH211, GPH212, GPH214, GPH213, GPH267, GCU/GPH298++)
5. Apply geographic knowledge and GIS to create high quality digital and paper maps. (GIS211, GIS222, GCU/GPH298++)
6. Apply spatial analysis and geoprocessing operations on vector and raster data. (GIS211, GIS222, GCU/GPH298++, [MA]
7. Demonstrate an understanding of data analysis involved in relational databases. (GIS211, GIS223, GIS220, GIS222, GCU/GPH298++, [MA])
8. Design, develop, and implement a spatial database to support analytical operations. (GIS222, GCU/GPH298++, [MA])
9. Perform data management tasks (creating, querying, editing, joining, and customizing spatial and non-spatial data) as well as perform statistical analysis. (GIS222, GCU/GPH298++, [MA])
10. Apply computer programming concepts of problem solving, data structures, and fundamental algorithms and techniques to spatial data models. (CSC110, CIS105, CIS117DM, CIS163AA, CIS276DB, GIS223, GIS220, GCU/GPH298++, [MA])
+ indicates course has prerequisites and/or corequisites.
++ indicates that any suffixed course may be selected.
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: April 7, 2020

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.
