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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Major: 5900
Effective Term: 2019 Spring   

Award: CCL  
Total Credits: 24
CIP Code: 51.0701

Instructional Council: Allied Health (51)
GPA: 2.0
SOC Code: 11-9111.00

Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Integrated Public Health: Health Administration program is designed to prepare individuals for the broadly defined public health workforce with a special focus on entry-level employment as a health administrator or manager. Students study principles and skills needed for employment as health administration professionals who manage, lead, and direct health care programming in a variety of health industries, including public health, clinics, hospitals, insurance companies, and a variety of non-profit agencies that serve the community.

Required Courses
COM270 Health Communication 3
HES210 Cultural Aspects of Health and Illness (3) OR
HCR230 Culture and Health (3) 3
HSM222 Health Services Management 3
+HTM150 Introduction to Healthcare IT and Systems 3
IPH101 Introduction to Public Health 3
IPH115 Introduction to Health Administration and the U.S. Health System 3
+IPH285 Health Administration Practicum 3
SPA117 Health Care Spanish I 3
Credits: 24

Program Competencies
1. Describe the dynamics of individual, community, and organizational health infrastructures. (HSM222, IPH101, IPH115, IPH285)
2. Integrate health research and statistics into health promotion. (IPH101, IPH115, IPH285)
3. Discuss local, regional, national, and global population health and health disparities. (HCR230, HES210, IPH101, IPH115, IPH285, SPA117)
4. Identify and explain key issues facing community public health professionals. (COM270, HCR230, HES210, HSM222, HTM150, IPH101, IPH115, IPH285, SPA117)
5. Communicate effectively with internal and external customers to establish and maintain supportive relationships and facilitate constructive problem solving with individuals and groups. (COM270, IPH115, IPH285, SPA117)
6. Successfully manage change to attain the organization`s strategic goals and performance. (HSM222, IPH101, IPH115, IPH285)
7. Apply systems thinking to the health care environment. (HSM222, IPH115, IPH285)
8. Use appropriate technology to deliver health care services to the community. (HSM222, HTM150, IPH115, IPH285)
9. Exhibit behaviors and conduct that reflect safe, legal, and ethical practice. (IPH101, IPH115, IPH285)
+ indicates course has prerequisites and/or corequisites.
++ indicates that any suffixed course may be selected.
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: November 20, 2018

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.
