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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Major: 3127
Effective Term: 2019 Fall   

Award: AAS
Total Credits: 60-70
CIP Code: 19.0505

Instructional Council: Nutrition (63)
GPA: 2.00
SOC Code: Upon completion of this degree, students may pursue a career as:
29-1031.00 Dietitians and Nutritionists
13-1199.05 Sustainability Specialists
11-9051.00 Food Service Managers
45-2011.00 Agricultural Inspectors
11-9151.00 Social and Community Service Managers
21-1091.00 Health Educators

Description: The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Sustainable Food Systems curriculum is designed for students with diverse interests in sustainable food careers. Graduates will gain a depth of understanding of the impact of agricultural practices and policies on ecosystems, economies and human cultures. Courses include concepts supporting contemporary food movements, which focus on local and global food systems. In addition, courses will cover careers in sustainable food systems, fundamentals of sustainability, basic nutrition, organic foods production, community garden concepts, food preparation laws and sanitation guidelines, basic principles and techniques for sustainable cooking, and food practices, attitudes and beliefs of different cultures. The program also includes a Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Sustainable Food Systems. Foundational courses will equip students with the necessary hands-on skills for employment or self-employment in food service, community gardens and farm-to-table operations.

Required Courses
+ ENG101 First-Year Composition (3) OR
+ ENG107 First-Year Composition for ESL (3) 3

FON104 Certification in Food Service Safety and Sanitation 1
FON135 Sustainable Cooking 3
FON143 Food and Culture 3
FON161 Sustainable Food Production Systems 3

FON163 Sustainable Kitchen Practices (3) OR
FON165 Food Entrepreneurship (3) 3

FON241 Principles of Human Nutrition (3) OR
FON241 Principles of Human Nutrition (3) AND
+ FON241LL Principles of Human Nutrition Laboratory (1) 3-4
(FON241 AND FON241LL recommended for students intending to transfer)

SSH111 Sustainable Cities 3
SUS231 Careers in Sustainability 1

Note: Completion of the above courses fulfills the requirements of the CCL in Sustainable Food Systems (5158).


AGS164 Plant Growth and Development (4) OR
BIO105 Environmental Biology (4) 4

PHI216 Environmental Ethics 3
SUS110 Sustainable World 3
+ SUS232 Professional Skills in Sustainability Practice 3

Note: Students must choose one of the courses below not already satisfied within the CCL in Sustainable Food Systems.
FON163 Sustainable Kitchen Practices (3) OR
FON165 Food Entrepreneurship (3) 3
Credits: 39-40

Learning Outcomes
1. Describe basic nutrition principles. (ENG101, ENG107, FON100, FON135, FON143, FON241)
2. Explain how food culture varies by factors such as region, country, ethnicity, religion, and climate. (ENG101, ENG107, FON100, FON143, FON241, SSH111)
3. Examine food entrepreneurship principles and processes. (ENG101, ENG107, FON104, FON135, FON163, FON165, SSH111, SUS231)
4. Apply the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind required in the range of careers available in sustainable food systems. (ENG101, ENG107, FON104, FON163, FON165, SUS231)
5. Relate high-input and low-input sustainable agricultural production to local, regional, and global impact. (ENG101, ENG107, FON135, FON143, FON161, SSH111)
6. Communicate effectively, orally and in writing, utilizing the vocabulary of food systems. (ENG101, ENG107, FON135, FON161)
7. Operationalize sustainable solutions to the problem of food waste. (ENG101, ENG107, FON135, FON161, FON163, SSH111)
8. Describe how agricultural practices have altered communities, cultures, health, and food safety. (ENG101, ENG107, FON143, FON161, SSH111)
9. Recognize the cultural, economic, environmental and sociological influences on food systems throughout history. (ENG101, ENG107, FON143, FON161, SSH111)
10. Explain food and agricultural policy effects on human, food, and economic systems. (ENG101, ENG107, FON161, SSH111)
11. Implement sustainable kitchen practices and cooking techniques, including strategies for maximizing use of whole, local, seasonal, and nutrient-dense food. (FON100, FON104, FON135, FON161, FON163, FON241)
12. Implement basic garden-to-table food production and preparation skills. (FON104, FON135, FON163)
13. Employ food safety and sanitation guidelines. (FON104, FON135, FON163, FON165)
+ indicates course has prerequisites and/or corequisites.
++ indicates that any suffixed course may be selected.
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: January 22, 2019

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.