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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
C#/VB.NET: Windows 8 App Development
Course: CIS165DB

First Term: 2013 Summer II
Lec + Lab   3.0 Credit(s)   4.0 Period(s)   3.7 Load  
Subject Type: Occupational
Load Formula: S- Standard

Description: Building upon desktop application development with Visual Studio using VB.NET or C# languages, developing apps for Windows 8 utilizes Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) for interface design. Windows 8 utilizes UI design standards that are unique from previous versions. Develop apps for Windows 8 smartphones and tablets that utilize touch input methods, translate into different resolutions, states, and orientations, and can tap into mobile features such as location and acceleration sensors. Includes working with external data and packaging for Windows Store distribution.

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Identify unique feature of Windows 8 applications, (I)
2. Identify Windows 8 app User Interface (UI) design standards (II)
3. Identify the basic workflow for creating Windows 8 applications (III)
4. Develop the user interface for a Windows 8 app by modifying the underlying Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) code. (IV)
5. Create an app that provides data persistence as it manages various states of the Application Life Cycle (V)
6. Develop a Windows 8 mobile app that provides for the full, filled, and snapped states of the device. (VI)
7. Use Language Integrated Query (LINQ) to filter and sort external data and display the results in a bound data grid control. (VII)
8. Add audio or video to mobile device application. (VIII)
9. Create a mobile application that taps into the device?s sensors. (IX)
10. Package an app for distribution on the Windows Store. (X)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Windows 8 Overview
   A. Differences Between Windows 8 and Windows 7
      1. Start Screen
      2. What is Metro Style?
      3. Badges and Live Tiles
      4. Toasts
      5. The Lock Screen
   B. Windows 8 versions (RT, Win 8, Pro, Enterprise)
   C. Survey of Windows 8 Devices
   D. Navigating Windows 8 with Touch, Multi-Touch or Mouse
      1. Start Screen Navigation
      2. Back / Switcher
      3. Charms
   E. Working with Apps
      1. App Bar
      2. Pinning / Unpinning
      3. Managing Running Apps
      4. Switching Apps
      5. Snapping
   F. Installing Apps
      1. Exploring the Apps Store
      2. Downloading Apps
      3. Side-Loading Apps
II. Maintaining User Interface Standards: Windows 8 App Design
   A. The Bauhaus and Swiss Design Influences
      1. Cleaner Typography
      2. Symmetry
      3. Grids
      4. Contrasting Colors
      5. Reduced Iconography
      6. Photos Over Drawings
      7. Fewer and Contrasting Colors
      8. Internationalized Focus
   B. Design for Touch First
      1. Understanding the New Touch Language
   A. Touch and Hold (Learn Mode)
   B. Tap
   C. Slide
   D. Edge Swipes
   E. Pinch & Stretch
   F. Rotate
   C. Designing for Different Form Factors
      1. Desktop
      2. Phone
      3. Tablet
      4. Other Devices
   D. Designing for Different States
      1. Full
      2. Filled
      3. Snapped
III. Basic Windows 8 App Development with Visual Studio
   A. Visual Studio: C#/VB with Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML)
   B. Other Tools and Techniques
      1. Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), and JavaScript
      2. Expression Blend
      3. Third Party Solutions
   C. Microsoft ID and Developer Licensing
   D. Creating a New Project
      1. Blank Template
      2. Grid Template
      3. Split Template
   E. Examining the Solution Explorer
      1. App.xaml
      2. App.xaml.cs or App.xaml.vb
      3. MainPage.xaml
      4. MainPage.xaml.cs or MainPage.xaml.vb
      5. Assets
      6. Package Manifest
   F. Choosing a Theme
   G. Styling Elements Using the Properties Window
   H. Adding custom Styles to the ResourceDictionary
   I. Adding Event Handlers
   J. Adding Code to the MainPage.xaml.cs or MainPage.xaml.vb
IV. UI Design with XAML
   A. Using the XAML Editor
   B. Using the XAML Designer and ToolBox
   C. Exploring Elements
      1. Page
   A. Adding Multiple Pages
   B. Navigating Between Pages
      2. Canvas
      3. Grid
      4. StackPanel
      5. WrapGrid
      6. ItemsControl
      7. ContentControl
      8. ViewBox
      9. ScrollViewFlipView
10. ListView
      11. Semantic Zoom
      12. Common C#/VB Controls
   D. Attributes
   E. Properties
   F. Adding an App Bar
   G. Routed Events
V. Managing the Application Lifecycle
   A. Activation
   B. Suspension
      1. Using the Suspension Manager
      2. Saving the Application?s State
   A. Save App Data
   B. Save Session Settings
   C. Restoration
   D. Simulating Suspending, Restoring and Terminating an App in Visual Studio
   E. Remote Machine Testing
   F. Testing in a Simulator
      1. Setting up for Specific Virtual Device
      2. Simulating Touch Events
      3. Changing Orientations
VI. Adapting an App to Different Orientations and View States
   A. Designing for Portrait and landscape orientations
   B. Designing for Filled State
   C. Designing for Snapped State
   D. Controlling Size and Position
VII. Working with Data
   A. Working with Lists and DataGrids
   B. Data Binding
   C. Using Language Integrated (LINQ)
   D. File Pickers
   E. Parsing Extensible Markup Language (XML) Data
   F. Picking and displaying a Bitmap Image
   G. Toasts
   H. Networking
   I. Web Services
VIII. Adding Audio and Visual
   A. Playback
   B. Capturing
      1. Accessing the Microphone
      2. Accessing the Camera
   C. Transcoding
IX. Programming for Mobile Device Features
   A. Orientation
   B. GPS Location
   C. Accelerometer
   D. Compass
   E. Gyrometer
   F. Light Sensor
X. Packaging and Deploying Your App
   A. Tile Displays
      1. Logo
      2. Wide Logo
      3. Small Logo
      4. Setting Background Color
   B. Capabilities & Permissions
   C. Declarations
   D. Packaging
      1. Package Name
      2. Package Display Name
      3. Versioning
      4. Submitting to the App Store
      5. Alternative Deployment
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: June 25, 2013

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.