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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
History of Western Civilization 1789 to Present
Course: HIS102

First Term: 2006 Fall
Lecture   3 Credit(s)   3 Period(s)   3 Load  
Subject Type: Academic
Load Formula: S

Description: Survey of origin and development of Western civilization and its institutions from French Revolution through the present

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Describe the social concept of the Ancien Regime and its medieval background. (I)
2. Describe the philosophical and political concepts contained in the Enlightenment and exemplified by authors of that time. (I)
3. Describe the overthrow of the Ancien Regime and its replacement by enlightened principles as a result of the French Revolution. (II)
4. Describe major historical events of the French Revolution. (II)
5. Describe the defense of French society and its spread over Europe, as exemplified by Napoleon. (III)
6. Describe major events and personalities of the Industrial Revolution and their impact on society. (IV)
7. Describe the intellectual reaction to industrialization exemplified in the writings of Marx and Engels. (IV)
8. Describe the political and social reforms of the Victorian Era. (IV)
9. Describe the music, art, literature, and political events (e.g., nationalism) of the Romantic Era. (V)
10. Describe the era of Imperialism and Colonialism, including the impact of Charles Darwin. (VI)
11. Describe the social and political conditions in the emerging superpower in the East during the nineteenth century. (VII)
12. Describe the major conflict in Europe as the result of the social and political constellation on the eve of World War I. (VIII)
13. Describe the major events of World War I and their political fallout exemplified in the elevation of women`s rights. (VIII)
14. Describe the events of the Bolshevik Revolution. (IX)
15. Describe the reasons for the rise of totalitarianism. (IX)
16. Describe the personalities rising during the age of totalitarianism: Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin. (X)
17. Describe causes and major events of World War II, including the rise of the North American economy and military power. (XI)
18. Describe the major phases of the Cold War and the emerging New World Order. (XII, XIII)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Establishing the social climate in Europe during the waning years of the Ancien Regime
   A. Concept of absolutism
   B. Concept of enlightenment
   C. Literature of the Enlightenment
II. Events of the French Revolution
   A. Revolutionary role of Jacobins and Sansculotte
   B. Formation of a republic
   C. Reign of terror
   D. Economic collapse
   E. Directoire
   F. Role of the army
III. Napoleonic Era
   A. Career of General Bonaparte
   B. France in conflict with Europe
   C. France in conflict with England
   D. Spread of revolutionary ideals in Europe
   E. Art, literature, and music of an heroic age
   F. End of Napoleonic Era and beginning of repression in Europe
IV. Industrial Revolution
   A. England during the scientific revolution
   B. Technological breakthroughs, mechanization of production
   C. Social mobility, social displacement
   D. Social conditions in England; role of Marx and Engels (Communist Manifesto)
   E. The Victorian Era: culture, social, and political reform
V. Romantic Era
   A. Art, literature, and music of the Romantic Era
   B. Political concepts of Romanticism, nationalism
   C. The rise of Prussia
   D. Consummation of power in Central Europe, unification of Germany
VI. Imperialism/colonialism
   A. Europe and the world
   B. American involvement in imperialism and colonialism
   C. Impact of Charles Darwin, Social Darwinism
VII. Emerging superpower in the East
   A. Government and social conditions in 19th century Russia
   B. Road to anarchism and revolution
   C. Career of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov aka Lenin
   D. Romantic and political concept of Panslavism
VIII. Road to war
   A. Europe and the world on the eve of World War I
   B. Origins of the war
   C. The front
   D. The home front
   E. Evolution of women`s rights
IX. The Bolshevik Revolutions
   A. Events
   B. Repercussions
X. Rise of totalitarianism
   A. Mussolini and fascism
   B. Hitler: man and legend
   C. National Socialism
   D. Stalinism: the Soviet Union between the wars
XI. World War II
   A. The Axis triumphant
   B. The Axis defeated
   C. Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust
   D. Demise of the old Europe, rise of the United States of America
XII. Cold War
   A. Nuclear dawn
   B. Containment of communism: NATO
   C. Expansion of communism as a world-wide movement
XIII. The modern world and its New Order
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date:  2/22/1994

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.